Andrew MacGregor edited bibliography/biblio.bib  almost 8 years ago

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year = {2002},  publisher = {EDP Sciences},  }  @article{Porter1996,  author = {Porter, John M.},  title = {{On the rotational velocities of Be and Be-shell stars}}, 

eprint = {},  journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society},  }  @article{Negueruela1998,  author = {Negueruela, Ignacio},  title = {{On the nature of be/x-ray binaries}}, 

primaryclass = {astro-ph},  slaccitation = {%%CITATION = ASTRO-PH/9807158;%%},  }  @article{Zamanov1998,  author = {{R. K. Zamanov} and {P. Reig} and {J. Martí} and {M. J. Coe} and {J. Fabregat} and {N. A. Tomov} and {T. Valchev}},  title = {{Comparison of the H$\alpha$ circumstellar disks in Be/X-ray binaries and Be stars}}, 

pages = {884-890},  month = {},  }  @article{Clark2001,  author = {{J. S. Clark} and {P. Reig} and {S. P. Goodwin} and {V. M. Larionov} and {P. Blay} and {M. J. Coe} and {J. Fabregat} and {I. Negueruela} and {I. Papadakis} and {I. A. Steele}},  title = {{On the radio emitting high mass X-ray binary LS 5039}}, 

pages = {476-483},  month = {},  }  @article{Okazaki2001,  author = {{A. T. Okazaki} and {I. Negueruela}},  title = {{A natural explanation for periodic X-ray outbursts in Be/X-ray binaries}}, 

pages = {161-174},  month = {},  }  @article{Galache2008,  title = {{A long look at the Be/X-ray binaries of the small magellanic cloud}},  author = {Galache, JL and Corbet, RHD and Coe, MJ and Laycock, S and Schurch, MPE and Markwardt, C and Marshall, FE and Lochner, J}, 

year = {2008},  publisher = {IOP Publishing},  }  @ARTICLE{Dommanget2002,  author = {{Dommanget}, J. and {Nys}, O.},  title = {{VizieR Online Data Catalog: CCDM (Catalog of Components of Double {\amp} Multiple stars) (Dommanget+ 2002)}}, 

adsurl = {},  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System},  }  @article{Kervella2008,  title = {{The radii of the nearby K5V and K7V stars 61 Cygni A \& B-CHARA/FLUOR interferometry and CESAM2k modeling}},  author = {Kervella, Pierre and M{\'e}rand, Antoine and Pichon, Bernard and Th{\'e}venin, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}ric and Heiter, Ulrike and Bigot, Lionel and Ten Brummelaar, TA and Mcalister, Harold A and Ridgway, Stephen T and Turner, Nils and others}, 

year = {2008},  publisher = {EDP Sciences},  }  @article{Jaschek1982,  author = {Jaschek,M. and Egret,D.},  title = {{A Catalogue of Be Stars}}, 

doi = {10.1017/S007418090003792X},  url = {},  }  @article{galache2008long,  title = {{A long look at the Be/X-ray binaries of the small magellanic cloud}},  author = {Galache, JL and Corbet, RHD and Coe, MJ and Laycock, S and Schurch, MPE and Markwardt, C and Marshall, FE and Lochner, J},  journal = {The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series},  volume = {177},  number = {1},  pages = {189},  year = {2008},  publisher = {IOP Publishing},  }  @article{laycock2005constraining,  title = {{Constraining the nature of the galactic center X-ray source population}},  author = {Laycock, S and Grindlay, J and van den Berg, M and Zhao, P and Hong, J and Koenig, X and Schlegel, EM and Persson, SE},