Andrew Krizhanovsky edited bibliography/biblio.bib  almost 8 years ago

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@inproceedings{Huang2012,  author = {Huang, Eric H. and Socher, Richard and Manning, Christopher D. and Ng, Andrew Y.},  title = {Improving Word Representations via Global Context and Multiple Word Prototypes},  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics},  series = {ACL '12},  year = {2012},  location = {Jeju Island, Korea},  pages = {873--882},  numpages = {10},  url = {},  acmid = {2390645},  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},  address = {Stroudsburg, PA, USA},  }  @inproceedings{Kutuzov2015,  doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-18111-0_4},  url = {}, 

booktitle = {Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing},  }  @inproceedings{Mikolov2012,  doi = {10.1109/slt.2012.6424228},  url = {},  year = {2012},  month = {dec},  publisher = {Institute of Electrical {\&} Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},  author = {Tomas Mikolov and Geoffrey Zweig},  title = {{Context dependent recurrent neural network language model}},  booktitle = {2012 {IEEE} Spoken Language Technology Workshop ({SLT})},  }  @inproceedings{Mikolov2011,  doi = {10.1109/icassp.2011.5947611},  url = {}, 

booktitle = {2011 {IEEE} International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ({ICASSP})},  }  @inproceedings{Huang2012,  author = {Huang, Eric H. and Socher, Richard and Manning, Christopher D. and Ng, Andrew Y.},  title @inproceedings{Mikolov2012,  doi  = {Improving Word Representations via Global Context and Multiple Word Prototypes},  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Long Papers - Volume 1},  series {10.1109/slt.2012.6424228},  url  = {ACL '12}, {},  year = {2012}, location = {Jeju Island, Korea},  pages = {873--882},  numpages month  = {10},  url {dec},  publisher  = {},  acmid {Institute of Electrical {\&} Electronics Engineers ({IEEE})},  author  = {2390645},  publisher {Tomas Mikolov and Geoffrey Zweig},  title  = {Association for Computational Linguistics},  address {{Context dependent recurrent neural network language model}},  booktitle  = {Stroudsburg, PA, USA}, {2012 {IEEE} Spoken Language Technology Workshop ({SLT})},  }