Parameter selection analysis


An overview of the case studies provide insight into the type of results the process creates. We describe the process as parameter-light as there are only a few input variables that need to be set by the user. These parameters include the SAX word creation parameters of alphabet size, \(A\), number of windows per day, \(W\), the percentage threshold to distinguish between motifs and discords, and the number of clusters chosen in the clustering step, \(k\). The following will discuss three of these input parameters related to their influence on the results of the process.

SAX parameters

The input parameters of \(A\) and \(W\) allow the user to tune the granularity of the SAX word creation process. The DayFilter process was executed for six total scenarios to test the general impact of these two input parameters. This process was completed on the cooling energy data from case study 1. These examples are generated and visualized in this section in order to illustrate the impact on the size and number of generated patterns.

Figure \ref{fig:Wmodulation} illustrates the first set of experiments in modulating the window size, \(W\), within the the process. Three scenarios are presented in which \(W\) is set to 2, 3, and 8 resulting in 12, 6, and 3 hour windows, while all have set the alphabet size, \(A\), to 3. This process created 7, 23, and 58 patterns respectively. Increasing the number of windows increases the temporal granularity and thus the length of the SAX words and the number of patterns detected.