There are 17 tagged discord types containing anywhere from one to eight daily profiles. These discord candidate profiles are seen separated in Figure \ref{fig:sankeyheatmap1} and Figure \ref{fig:discords}a. They were filtered out of the dataset and investigated in more detail with the assistance of the facilities maintenance personnel on-site. The three days with patterns starting with the letter \(c\) are most prominently divergent from the rest of the dataset. These patterns are \(cccb\), \(ccca\), and \(ccba\) and can be seen in Figure \ref{fig:discords}b. They represent days in which a significant amount of consumption was measured in the very early morning hours; this is a situation which should never occur according to any schedule. These days corresponded to behavior experienced by the facilities team in which they noticed numerous air handling units (AHU) would turn on spontaneously in the middle of the night despite no signal from the BMS. The discord analysis was useful for the maintenance staff to observe as they were unsure of just how often the AHU’s in the building had been “running wild” at night. This issue was remedied by replacement of certain power meters on the BMS network that were suspected of introducing significant signal noise that caused the AHU problems. The seven patterns starting with the letter \(b\) are also suspected to have this root cause albeit with less AHU units malfunctioning in that way. An example of this type of pattern is the \(bccb\), seen in Figure \ref{fig:discords}c, which also shows early evening consumption spikes that are correlated with planned extracurricular activities. The discord patterns starting with \(a\) have normal early morning cooling energy use but have usage profiles slightly abnormal as compared to the common patterns. Most of these were determined to be scheduling-related with extracurricular activities that are not part of the conventional school schedule.