blasbenito edited materials_and_methods.tex  about 9 years ago

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We extracted up to 65 locations from the literature attributed to Neanderthals presence during the last interglacial period. 35 of these presences were attributed by their authors to MIS 5e and used to fit the species distribution model, while the remaining ones were broadly attributed to MIS 5, and therefore were excluded from this study.  To reduce spatial clustering and  pseudorreplication in within  the presence dataset, dataset  we filtered the data to ensure applying  a minimum distance of 100 km between nearby locations (CITATION REQUIRED). This locations, what  reduced the sample size down  to(LOW NUMBER HERE!).  \textbf{Environmental variables}  Climate influences species distribution at global to regional scales, while the effect of topography is restricted to scales ranging from regional to local \cite{Pearson_2003}.  To represent variables influencing Neanderthals distribution at the continental scale we have selected a palaeoclimatic simulation performed with the NCAR Community Climate System Model \cite{Otto2006}. This coupled ocean-atmosphere-land-sea-ice general circulation model was also coupled with an ice-sheet simulation to simulate the start of the Eemian (~130 ka BP). The results of this palaeoclimatic model fit very well with the available climatic proxies for the given period \cite{Otto2006}. This simulation is available at as a set of maps downscaled to 1km resolution representing 19 bioclimatic variables.