David Strubbe edited Sternheimer.tex  over 9 years ago

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\label{sec:sternheimer}  %David, Xavier  In textbooks, perturbation theory is formulated in terms of sum sums  over states and response functions. These are useful theoretical  constructions that permit a good description and understanding of the  underlying physics. However, this is not always a good description for  numerical applications, since it involves the calculation of a large  number of eigenvectors, infinite sums over these eigenvectors, and functions that depend on two or more spatial variables.  An interesting approach, approach  that avoids the problems mentioned above, above  is the formulation of perturbation theory in terms of differential equations for the variation of the  wave-functions, This wave-functions. In the literature, this  is usually named in called  theliterature as  Sternheimer equation~\cite{Sternheimer_1951} or density functional perturbation theory (DFPT)~\cite{Baroni_2001}. Although a perturbative technique, it avoids the use of empty states, and has a  favorable scaling with the number of atoms. 

resonance~\cite{Andrade_2007}. The method is suited for linear and  non-linear response; higher-order Sternheimer equations can be  obtained for higher-order variations. For second-order response,  however, we apply the \(2N\,+\,1\) \(2n\,+\,1\)  theorem (also known as Wigner's \(2N\,+\,1\) \(2n\,+\,1\)  rule)~\cite{Gonze_1989,Corso_1996} to get the coefficients directly from first-order response variations.  In the Sternheimer formalism formalism,  we consider the response to monochromatic perturbative field \(\lambda  \delta{\hat v}(\vec{r})\cos\left(\omega{t}\right)\). This perturbation induces a variation in the time-dependent Kohn-Sham (KS) orbitals, that which  we denote $\delta\varphi_{n}(\vec r, \omega)$. These variations allow us to calculate response observables, for example, the frequency-dependent polarization. polarizability.  In order to calculate the variations of the orbitals we need to solve a linear equation that only depends on the occupied orbitals (atomic units are used throughout)  %\begin{multline} 

\,,  \end{equation}  %  were where  the variation of the time-dependent density, given by %  %\begin{multline}  \begin{equation}  \label{eq:varrho}  \delta{n}(\vec r, \omega) = \sum_k^{\rm occ.} \sum_k f_k  \Big\{ \left[\varphi_n(\vec{r})\right]^*\delta\varphi_{n}(\vec r, \omega)\\  + \left[\delta\varphi_{n}(\vec r, -\omega)\right]^*\varphi_n(\vec{r})  \Big\}\ ,  \end{equation}  %\end{multline}  needs to be calculated self-consistently. The first order first-order  variation of the KS Hamiltonian is \begin{multline}  \label{eq:h1}  \delta{\hat H}(\omega)= 

%  \(\mathrm{\hat P}_c\) is a projector operator, and  \(\eta\) a positive in\-fi\-ni\-te\-si\-mal, essential to obtain the  correct position of the poles of the causal response function, and, and  consequently to  obtain the imaginary part of the po\-la\-ri\-za\-bi\-li\-ty and remove the divergences of  the equation for resonant frequencies. In the usual implementation of DFTP, DFPT,  $\hat P_c = 1 - \sum^{\rm occ}_n \left| \varphi_n \right> \left< \varphi_n \right|$ which effectively removes the components of \(\delta\varphi_{n}(\vec r, \pm\omega)\) in the subspace of the occupied ground-state wave-functions. In linear  response, these components do not contribute to the variation of the  density. 

for large systems, it saves time overall since it increases the condition number of the matrix for the linear solver,  and thus reduces the number of solver iterations required to attain a given precision.  % chloroform nearly degenerate perturbation theory? smearing minimal projector = delta function?  We also have implemented the Sternheimer formalism when non-integer occupations are used, as appropriate for metallic systems. In this case weighted projectors are added to both sides of the eq.~(\ref{eq:sternheimer}).  %cite De Geroncoli.  Apart from semiconducting smearing (\textit{i.e.} the original equation above, which corresponds to the zero temperature limit),