<div>About two months ago I started reading tons of articles on <a href="http://liveyourlegend.net">liveyourlegend.net</a>.<br></div><div>Finally the day came when I signed up by email. Now, I receive notifications when a new article comes up. Signing up was my very first step on doing something, not only reading. <br></div><div>Shortly after that, I received an email to sign up for the blog challenge. What the heck, I thought, let's start doing something, not just reading about how to start a blog. <br></div><div>So I signed up. <br></div><div>However, I was traveling that weekend and there is not a nice internet connection along German train lines, at least not for me. Therefore I used the writing prompts to write offline. <br></div><div><br></div><div>They never came online. <br></div><div><br></div><div>For me, putting my thoughts out there is a big thing. What I am thinking is personal and I feel vulnerable. You might wonder now, why the hell is she doing it anyways?<br></div><div><br></div><div>When I did my thesis, I felt similar when I showed the first draft to my supervisor for the first time. And after some time, it did not feel that strange anymore. Hopefully, pourring my thoughts out there will feel normal one day.<br></div>