<div>OK, you surely know that with reading and listening you will not be able to find your purpose in life or your dreamjob or happiness in general. Therefore, I have just signed up to Marianne Cantwells &nbsp;Ideas Adventure course a few days ago. Wow, I am really excited. Probably, I will write about this adventure. Actually, I was several times on her website and did not sign up because I thought that I shoud do some more research. Ergo read.<br></div><div><br></div><div>For now, I  share some links with you about blogs and podcasts I read or listened to a lot during the last few months. They inspire me, motivate me, make me think out of the box of my "normal" life. They make be more self-conscious, pay attention to my life and feelings, be more content. They prepared me to finally sign up to Marianne's course. I hope you find some of them useful.&nbsp;<br></div>