<div>There was a significant interaction of CO2 and temperature on dark respiration per µg of Chlorophyll a. There was a significant impact of CO2 on both dark respiration and LEDR per µg of Chlorophyll c2, and a significant interaction of temperature with CO2, and temperature with light with CO2, on both dark respiration and LEDR per µg of Chlorophyll c2. It is unusual to standardise dark respiration and LEDR to Chlorophyll a or c2, because neither molecule is directly involved respiration. However, the standardisation still yields useful information. Increases in respiration per Chlorophyll molecule may indicate that chlororespiration is occurring, or has been enhanced (Nixon, 2000). Thus, CO2 may have caused changes in chlororespiration in Pocillopora damicornis in our study. Cite (Jones and Hoegh-Guldberg, 2001) for chlororespiration.<br></div>