\documentclass[defaultstyle,11pt]{thesis} \usepackage{deluxetable} \usepackage{xspace} %\newcommand{\kms}{\textrm{km~s}\ensuremath{^{-1}}\xspace} % km s-1 \usepackage{latexsym} % to get LASY symbols \usepackage{graphicx} % to insert PostScript figures %\usepackage{deluxetable} \usepackage{rotating} % for sideways tables/figures \usepackage{natbib} % Requires natbib.sty, available from http://ads.harvard.edu/pubs/bibtex/astronat/ \usepackage{savesym} %\savesymbol{singlespace} \savesymbol{doublespace} %\usepackage{wrapfig} %\usepackage{setspace} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage{mdframed} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{aastex_hack} %\usepackage{emulateapj} \usepackage{lscape} \input macros.tex % file containing author's macro definitions \def\ee#1{\ensuremath{\times10^{#1}}} \title{Star Formation in the Galaxy} \author{Adam G.}{Ginsburg} \otherdegrees{B.S., Rice University, 2007\\ M.S., University of Colorado, Boulder, 2009} \degree{Doctor of Philosophy} % #1 {long descr.} {Ph.D., Rocket Science (ok, fine, astrophysics)} % #2 {short descr.} \dept{Department of} % #1 {designation} {Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences} % #2 {name} \advisor{Prof.} % #1 {title} {John Bally} % #2 {name} \reader{Prof.~Jeremy Darling} % 2nd person to sign thesis \readerThree{Prof.~Jason Glenn} % 3rd person to sign thesis \readerFour{Prof.~Michael Shull} % 4rd person to sign thesis \abstract{ \OnePageChapter % one page only ?? I discovered dust in space. } \dedication[Dedication]{ % NEVER use \OnePageChapter here. To 1, the second number in binary. } \acknowledgements{ \OnePageChapter % *MUST* BE ONLY ONE PAGE! All y'all. } \ToCisShort % a 1-page Table of Contents ?? \LoFisShort % a 1-page List of Figures ?? % \emptyLoF % no List of Figures at all ?? \LoTisShort % a 1-page List of Tables ?? % \emptyLoT % no List of Tables at all ?? \def\Table#1#2#3#4#5#6{ \begin{deluxetable}{#1} \tablewidth{0pt} \tabletypesize{\footnotesize} \tablecaption{#2} \tablehead{#3} \startdata \label{#4} #5 \enddata \bigskip #6 \end{deluxetable} } \begin{document} \begin{figure*}[htpb] \hspace{-0.6in} \includegraphics[scale=0.40,clip=true]{figures_ch05358/so5645_on_h2} % \hspace{-0.6in} \includegraphics[scale=0.40,clip=true]{figures_ch05358/SII_outflowvectors} \caption{(a) \hh\ image with \so\ peak flux contours at 0.5-1.4 K in intervals of 0.15 K overlaid. With a critical density $\sim3.5\ee{6}$ \verb|\citep{leidendb}|, this transition is a dense gas tracer. (b) The [S II] image with outflow vectors overlaid. Diffuse emission can be seen at the north ends of Outflows 1, 4, and 6 and around the reflection nebula near source IR 41.} \label{fig:so_on_h2} \end{figure*} \Figure{figures_ch05358/CO3-2_ellipses} { The JCMT HARP CO J=3-2 map integrated over all velocities with significant emission (-34 \kms\ to -4 \kms) shown in gray log scale from 0 to 150 K \kms. The elliptical regions over which line wings were integrated are shown with blue and red circles corresponding to blue and red line wings. The measurements are presented in table \verb|\ref{tab:comeas}|.}{fig:cofig}{1.0}{} \Figure{figures_ch05358/scuba_with_CO21contours}{SCUBA 850\um\ image in linear grayscale from -1 to +10 mJy/beam, with a saturated peak of 24 mJy/beam, with \twelveco\ 2-1 (orange solid, contours at 45,60,85,100,115,130,145 K \kms) and \thirteenco\ 2-1 (green dashed, contours at 20,30,40,45 K \kms) integrated contours. The box shows the region plotted in Figure \verb|\ref{fig:co21map}|.}{fig:scuba_co21}{1.0}{} \Figure{figures_ch05358/co21_plotmap}{CO spectra of \necluster\ in \twelveco\ (blue), \thirteenco\ (green), and \ceighteeno\ (red). The top-left plot is the pixel centered at J(2000) = 5:39:13.67 +35:46:26.0 and each pixel is 10\arcsec\ on a side. The region mapped here is shown with a box in Figure \verb|\ref{fig:scuba_co21}|. Redshifted self-absorption, a possible infall tracer, is evident in the \twelveco\ spectra in the outer pixels. The inner pixels show self-absorption only at central velocities: this may be an indication that emission from outflows dominates any infall signature, or simply that there is no bulk infall towards \necluster.}{fig:co21map}{0.75}{} \Figure{figures_ch05358/co21_all3_12as}{CO spectra of inner 12\arcsec\ centered on \necluster\ for all observed CO lines. The CO 3-2 and 2-1 beams are not matched, but in both cases the area integrated over is 1-2 resolution elements across. The divisions demarcating the red and blue line wings are shown with vertical dashed lines at $v_{LSR}=-21$ and -12 \kms. }{fig:co21_all3}{1.0}{} \Figure{figures_ch05358/HA_COcontours_COscale}{The \ha\ image with CO contours at redshifted, blueshifted, and middle velocities in red, blue, and green respectively. Contours are at 2,4,8,12,20 K \kms\ for the red and blue, and 20,25,30,40,50,60,70 K \kms\ for the green. Red is integrated from -12 to -4 \kms, Blue from -31 to -21 \kms, and green from -21 to -12 \kms. }{fig:HA_with_CO}{1.0}{} \Table{cccccccc} {VLA Observation Program Names, Dates, and Times} {\colhead{VLA } & \colhead{Observation} & \colhead{Time } & \colhead{Array} & \colhead{Band} & \colhead{Fluxcal} & \colhead{Phase cal} & \colhead{Phase cal } \\ Observation & Date &on&&&&& Percent \\ Name &&Source&&&&& Uncertainty \\} {tab:vlatimes} { AR482 & August 2 2001 & 2580s & B & X &3c286 & 0555+398 & 22 \\ AR513 & June 21 2003 & 7770s & A & X &3c286 & 0555+398 & 0.8 \\ AS831 & February 26 2005 & 2640s & B & X &3c286 & 0555+398 & 0.7 \\ AS831 & August 5 2005 & 2660s & C & X &3c286 & 0555+398 & 0.3 \\ AS831 & May 11 2006 & 2610s & A & X &3c286 & 0555+398 & 3.0 \\ AL704 & August 7 2007 & 6423s & A & Q &3c273 & 0555+398 & 18 \\ AL704 & September 1 2007 & 6423s & A & Q &3c273 & 0555+398 & 13 \\ AM697 & November 26 2001 & 2880s & D & Q &3c286 & 0555+398 & 2.2 \\ AM697 & November 28 2001 & 1530s & D & K &3c286 & 0555+398 & 2.1 \\ AM697 & November 28 2001 & 1530s & D & U &3c286 & 0555+398 & 5.8 \\ }{} \Table{cccccc} {TripleSpec fitted h2 outflow velocities} {Outflow Number & Aperture Number & \tablenotemark{a}v$_{LSR}$ (kms) &\tablenotemark{b}v$_{LSR} (kms)$ } {tab:OutflowH2} { 1 & 1 & -33.54 (0.15) & -31.85 (0.32) \\ %-32 (5) \\ 1 & 2 & -13.60 (0.57) & -13.56 (0.96) \\ %-14 (5) \\ 1 & 3 & -40.51 (0.41) & -36.13 (0.81) \\ %-36 (5) \\ 1 & 4 & -88.7 (2.8) & -83.7 (7.9) \\ %-83 (10) \\ 2 & 1 & -82.6 (7.6) & -81 (21) \\ %-81 (25) \\ % width 64 +/- 20 - wide! 2 & 2 & -30.41 (0.57) & -28.9 (1.4) \\ %-29 (5) \\ 2 & 3 & -33.89 (0.62) & -35.2 (3.7) \\ %-35 (10) \\ 4 & 1 & -73.34 (0.48) & -70.2 (1.1) \\ %-70 (10) \\ 4 & 2 & -64.08 (0.61) & -67.8 (2.2) \\ %-67 (10) \\ IR6 & 1 & -39.4 (1.6) & -39.4 (4.2) \\ %-39 (10) \\ IR93 & 2 & -26.07 (0.43) & -26.85 (0.97) \\ %-27 (5) \\ % wider than other lines IR93 & 3 & -30.6 (1.5) & -32.0 (2.5) \\ %-32 (5) \\ % wider than other lines IR93 & 4 & -29.14 (0.77) & -30.3 (2.1) \\ %-30 (5) \\ % wider than other lines IR93 & 6 & -47.7 (7.9) & -71 (37) \\ %-45 (15) \\ % manual fit - can't be reproduced easily }{ \tablenotetext{a}{Measured from h2 1-0 S(1) 2.1218 um line}% as shown in figure \verb|\ref{fig:h2fits}|} \tablenotetext{b}{Measured from all detected hh lines fit with model described in section } } \begin{deluxetable}{ccccccccc} \centering \tablewidth{0pt} \tabletypesize{\scriptsize} \tablecaption{Measured properties of hh flows} % \tablehead{ % \colhead{Outflow} & \colhead{Center}\tablenotemark{a} & \colhead{PA}\tablenotemark{b} % & \colhead{Length}\tablenotemark{c} & \colhead{Source} \tablenotemark{d} & \colhead{Pos Length} \tablenotemark{e} % & \colhead{Neg Length} \tablenotemark{e} & \colhead{Time (50\kms)}\tablenotemark{f} & \colhead{LOS} \tablenotemark{g}} \tablehead{ \colhead{Outflow} & \tablenotemark{a}Center & \tablenotemark{b}PA & \tablenotemark{c}Length & \tablenotemark{d}Source & \tablenotemark{e}Flow & \tablenotemark{e}Counterflow & \tablenotemark{f}Age & \tablenotemark{g}LOS \\ & & & & & Length & Length & (50 kms) & Velocity \\ } \startdata 1 & 05:39:13.023 +35:45:38.66 & -13.3 &142.3" &mm2? &58 &84.2 &1.4e4 &- \\ 2 & 05:39:13.058 +35:45:51.28 & -47.0 &44.6" &mm1a &44.6 &- &6.6e3 &Blue \\ 3 & 05:39:12.48 +35:45:54.9 & -62 &44" &mm3? &44 &- &6.5e3 &Red \\ 4 & ambiguous & 17.8-21.8 &141-144" & ? &141-144 &- &2.1e4 &Blue \\ 5 & 05:39:12 +35:45:51 & 170 &38-48 &mm3? &38-48 &- &6.5e3 &Blue \\ 6 & 05:39:09.7 +35:45:17 & 14.5 &197 &Q5\tablenotemark{h} &197 &- &2.9e4 &Blue \\ 8 & 05:39:10.002 +35:45:10.87 & -154.6 &105.5" &IR41? &54.7 &52.9 &7.9e3 &- \\ \enddata \tablenotetext{a}{Midpoint of bipolar outflow if symmetric, position of jet source candidate if asymmetric} \end{deluxetable} \begin{deluxetable}{lccccc} \tablewidth{0pt} \tabletypesize{\footnotesize} \centering \tablecaption{Measured properties of CO flows} % \label{tab:comeas} \tablehead{ \colhead{\tablenotemark{a}Region Name} & \colhead{$\int T_{mb}*$} & \colhead{$M (M)$} & \colhead{p ($M$ kms)} & \colhead{N (persc)} & \colhead{E ($10^{42}$ erg)}} % & \colhead{redintegrated} & \colhead{redmass} & \colhead{redmomentum} & \colhead{redenergy} } \startdata % blue1 - keep, blue only: associated with outflow 4 \tablenotemark{b}A. Outflow 4a & 4.27 & .022 & .15 & 1.4\ee{19} & 11 \\ % blue 4 - keep, associated with outflow 4, blue only \tablenotemark{b}B. Outflow 4b & 4.60 & .032 & .21 & 1.5\ee{19} & 13 \\ % blue 9 - keep, blue only, probably outflow 1 \tablenotemark{b}C. Outflow 1n & 14.5 & .088 & .71 & 4.8\ee{19} & 66 \\ % blue 2 - keep, associated with outflow 6/7, blue only \tablenotemark{b}D. Outflow 6/7 & 4.45 & .045 & .30 & 1.5\ee{19} & 29 \\ %red7 - keep, no association but same direction as Outflow 2 \tablenotemark{r}E. CO Region 3 & 1.31 & .016 & .112 & 4.3\ee{18} & 8.5 \\ % blue3 - remove, not associated with cluster % blue3 & 9.525039 & 0.659057 & 3.36178 & 2.12468e+44 & 5.01441 & 0.346957 & 1.80229 & 1.01071e+44 \\ % blue 6 - keep, red and blue, use for central outflow \tablenotemark{b}F. necluster\ & 41.8 & .464 & 3.72 & 1.4\ee{20} & 330 \\ \tablenotemark{m}F. necluster\ & 132.9& 1.47 & - & 4.4\ee{20} & -\\ \tablenotemark{r}F. necluster\ & 30.0 & .333 & 2.03 & 9.9\ee{19} & 135 \\ % blue 7 - keep, may be outflow 1 south counterflow \tablenotemark{b}G. Outflow1s & 14.6 & .064 & .48 & 4.8\ee{19} & 40 \\ %red5 - clear red excess, no clear association \tablenotemark{r}H. CO Region 2 & 4.54 & .012 & .074 & 1.5\ee{19} & 5 \\ % blue 5 - keep, associated with outflow 9, blue only \tablenotemark{b}I. Outflow 9 & 6.33 & .039 & .39 & 2.1\ee{19} & 43\\ % blue 8 - keep, blue only, no clear association \tablenotemark{b}J. CO Region 1 & 3.61 & .015 & .12 & 1.2\ee{19} & 11\\ \tablenotemark{r}K. Red S & 5.26 & .051 & .34 & 1.7\ee{19} & 26 \\ \tablenotemark{b}L. Blue S & 3.66 & .053 & .47 & 1.2\ee{19} & 47 \\ % blue 10 - get rid of it %blue10 & 30.399808 & 0.669383 & 4.35128 & 3.40323e+44 & 46.7147 & 1.02863 & 6.0041 & 3.86866e+44 \\ % blue 11 - remove, no clear association, blue only %blue11 & 2.641900 & 0.0865521 & 0.438263 & 3.18589e+43 & 0.984461 & 0.0322523 & 0.233822 & 1.88811e+43 \\ % red 1 - south red, keep % actually, ignore - don't discuss these South Source 1 & 10.6623 & 0.696333 & 4.21276 & 2.9246e+44 \\ % red 2 - too faint / unclear. rm %red2 & 2.822263 & 0.0320534 & 0.221736 & 1.9821e+43 & 9.40664 & 0.106834 & 0.579233 & 3.61028e+43 \\ % red 3 - too ambiguous again, not obviously red %red3 & 6.267010 & 0.104144 & 0.716924 & 5.6371e+43 & 9.23909 & 0.153533 & 0.733901 & 4.04048e+43 \\ %red4 - rm, already covered %red4 & 38.240242 & 1.97369 & 11.732 & 8.29297e+44 & 64.5034 & 3.3292 & 20.2909 & 1.37858e+45 \\ %red6 - rm, already covered %red6 & 16.685583 & 6.29804 & 36.7241 & 2.56084e+45 & 24.2383 & 9.14886 & 53.33 & 3.47148e+45 \\ \tablenotemark{b}1arcmin\ aperture\tablenotemark{c}& 15.1 & .96 & 7.6 & 5.0\ee{19} & 670\\ \tablenotemark{b}3arcmin\ aperture& 2.7 & 1.6 & 12 & 9.0\ee{18} & 1000\\ \tablenotemark{b}5arcmin\ aperture& 1.7 & 2.7 & 20 & 5.6\ee{18} & 1600 \\ \tablenotemark{r}1arcmin\ aperture & 11.8 & 0.75 & 4.7 & 3.9\ee{19} & 320\\ \tablenotemark{r}3arcmin\ aperture & 1.9 & 1.1 & 6.8 & 6.2\ee{18} & 460\\ \tablenotemark{r}5arcmin\ aperture & 0.96 & 1.5 & 10 & 3.2\ee{18} & 640\\ \tablenotemark{b}1arcmin\ $^{12}$CO 2-1 & 10.4 & .94 & 7.1 & 4.9\ee{19} & 590 \\ \tablenotemark{m}1arcmin\ $^{12}$CO 2-1 & 97.78 & 8.83 & - & 4.6\ee{20} & - \\ \tablenotemark{r}1arcmin\ $^{12}$CO 2-1 & 9.17 & 0.83 & 5.52 & 4.3\ee{19} & 430 \\ \tablenotemark{m}1arcmin\ $^{13}$CO 2-1 & 41.12 & 211 & - & 1.1\ee{22} & - \\ \tablenotemark{m}1arcmin\ C$^{18}$O 2-1 & 5.31 & 271 & - & 1.4\ee{22} & - \\ \enddata \tablenotetext{a}{Unless labeled otherwise, regions are extracted from CO 3-2 data as shown in figure \verb|\ref{fig:cofig}|b } \tablenotetext{b}{Blue integration over velocity range -34 to -21 \kms} \tablenotetext{c}{Apertures are centered on J(2000) = 05:39:11.238 +35:45:41.80 in necluster} \tablenotetext{r}{Red integration over velocity range -13 to -4 \kms} \tablenotetext{m}{Middle range integration over -21 \kms\ to -13 \kms. Assumed not to be outflowing, so no momentum is computed} \end{deluxetable} \begin{deluxetable}{lccccc} \tablewidth{0pt} \tabletypesize{\footnotesize} \centering \tablecaption{Measured properties of CO flows \label{tab:comeas} } \tablehead{ \colhead{\tablenotemark{a}Region Name} & \colhead{$\int T_{mb}*$} & \colhead{$M (M_\odot)$} & \colhead{p ($M_\odot$ \kms)} & \colhead{N (persc)} & \colhead{E ($10^{42}$ erg)}} % & \colhead{redintegrated} & \colhead{redmass} & \colhead{redmomentum} & \colhead{redenergy} } \startdata % blue1 - keep, blue only: associated with outflow 4 \tablenotemark{b}A. Outflow 4a & 4.27 & .022 & .15 & 1.4\ee{19} & 11 \\ % blue 4 - keep, associated with outflow 4, blue only \tablenotemark{b}B. Outflow 4b & 4.60 & .032 & .21 & 1.5\ee{19} & 13 \\ % blue 9 - keep, blue only, probably outflow 1 \tablenotemark{b}C. Outflow 1n & 14.5 & .088 & .71 & 4.8\ee{19} & 66 \\ % blue 2 - keep, associated with outflow 6/7, blue only \tablenotemark{b}D. Outflow 6/7 & 4.45 & .045 & .30 & 1.5\ee{19} & 29 \\ %red7 - keep, no association but same direction as Outflow 2 \tablenotemark{r}E. CO Region 3 & 1.31 & .016 & .112 & 4.3\ee{18} & 8.5 \\ % blue3 - remove, not associated with cluster % blue3 & 9.525039 & 0.659057 & 3.36178 & 2.12468e+44 & 5.01441 & 0.346957 & 1.80229 & 1.01071e+44 \\ % blue 6 - keep, red and blue, use for central outflow \tablenotemark{b}F. \necluster\ & 41.8 & .464 & 3.72 & 1.4\ee{20} & 330 \\ \tablenotemark{m}F. \necluster\ & 132.9& 1.47 & - & 4.4\ee{20} & -\\ \tablenotemark{r}F. \necluster\ & 30.0 & .333 & 2.03 & 9.9\ee{19} & 135 \\ % blue 7 - keep, may be outflow 1 south counterflow \tablenotemark{b}G. Outflow1s & 14.6 & .064 & .48 & 4.8\ee{19} & 40 \\ %red5 - clear red excess, no clear association \tablenotemark{r}H. CO Region 2 & 4.54 & .012 & .074 & 1.5\ee{19} & 5 \\ % blue 5 - keep, associated with outflow 9, blue only \tablenotemark{b}I. Outflow 9 & 6.33 & .039 & .39 & 2.1\ee{19} & 43\\ % blue 8 - keep, blue only, no clear association \tablenotemark{b}J. CO Region 1 & 3.61 & .015 & .12 & 1.2\ee{19} & 11\\ \tablenotemark{r}K. Red S & 5.26 & .051 & .34 & 1.7\ee{19} & 26 \\ \tablenotemark{b}L. Blue S & 3.66 & .053 & .47 & 1.2\ee{19} & 47 \\ % blue 10 - get rid of it %blue10 & 30.399808 & 0.669383 & 4.35128 & 3.40323e+44 & 46.7147 & 1.02863 & 6.0041 & 3.86866e+44 \\ % blue 11 - remove, no clear association, blue only %blue11 & 2.641900 & 0.0865521 & 0.438263 & 3.18589e+43 & 0.984461 & 0.0322523 & 0.233822 & 1.88811e+43 \\ % red 1 - south red, keep % actually, ignore - don't discuss these South Source 1 & 10.6623 & 0.696333 & 4.21276 & 2.9246e+44 \\ % red 2 - too faint / unclear. rm %red2 & 2.822263 & 0.0320534 & 0.221736 & 1.9821e+43 & 9.40664 & 0.106834 & 0.579233 & 3.61028e+43 \\ % red 3 - too ambiguous again, not obviously red %red3 & 6.267010 & 0.104144 & 0.716924 & 5.6371e+43 & 9.23909 & 0.153533 & 0.733901 & 4.04048e+43 \\ %red4 - rm, already covered %red4 & 38.240242 & 1.97369 & 11.732 & 8.29297e+44 & 64.5034 & 3.3292 & 20.2909 & 1.37858e+45 \\ %red6 - rm, already covered %red6 & 16.685583 & 6.29804 & 36.7241 & 2.56084e+45 & 24.2383 & 9.14886 & 53.33 & 3.47148e+45 \\ \tablenotemark{b}1\arcmin\ aperture\tablenotemark{c}& 15.1 & .96 & 7.6 & 5.0\ee{19} & 670\\ \tablenotemark{b}3\arcmin\ aperture& 2.7 & 1.6 & 12 & 9.0\ee{18} & 1000\\ \tablenotemark{b}5\arcmin\ aperture& 1.7 & 2.7 & 20 & 5.6\ee{18} & 1600 \\ \tablenotemark{r}1\arcmin\ aperture & 11.8 & 0.75 & 4.7 & 3.9\ee{19} & 320\\ \tablenotemark{r}3\arcmin\ aperture & 1.9 & 1.1 & 6.8 & 6.2\ee{18} & 460\\ \tablenotemark{r}5\arcmin\ aperture & 0.96 & 1.5 & 10 & 3.2\ee{18} & 640\\ \tablenotemark{b}1\arcmin\ $^{12}$CO 2-1 & 10.4 & .94 & 7.1 & 4.9\ee{19} & 590 \\ \tablenotemark{m}1\arcmin\ $^{12}$CO 2-1 & 97.78 & 8.83 & - & 4.6\ee{20} & - \\ \tablenotemark{r}1\arcmin\ $^{12}$CO 2-1 & 9.17 & 0.83 & 5.52 & 4.3\ee{19} & 430 \\ \tablenotemark{m}1\arcmin\ $^{13}$CO 2-1 & 41.12 & 211 & - & 1.1\ee{22} & - \\ \tablenotemark{m}1\arcmin\ C$^{18}$O 2-1 & 5.31 & 271 & - & 1.4\ee{22} & - \\ \enddata \tablenotetext{a}{Unless labeled otherwise, regions are extracted from CO 3-2 data as shown in figure \verb|\ref{fig:cofig}|b } \tablenotetext{b}{Blue integration over velocity range -34 to -21 \kms} \tablenotetext{c}{Apertures are centered on J(2000) = 05:39:11.238 +35:45:41.80 in \necluster} \tablenotetext{r}{Red integration over velocity range -13 to -4 \kms} \tablenotetext{m}{Middle range integration over -21 \kms\ to -13 \kms. Assumed not to be outflowing, so no momentum is computed} \end{deluxetable} \bibliographystyle{apj_w_etal} \bibliography{iras05358} \end{document}