Adam Ginsburg minor reformatting  about 11 years ago

Commit id: 1648f7cd8cbac2f7c7c8b9a83bfe450c20c5d10e

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\FigureTwo{figures_chH2CO/MCMC_DensColplot_67_64.png}{figures_chH2CO/spec67_64_bestfit_MCMC.png}  {Plots demonstrating upper limit fits. The left plot shows the allowed  parameter space from MCMC sampling of the data given the RADEX model. The  right plot shows the `best-fit' model, model to the optical depth spectra,  which is clearly unconstrained by the relatively insensitive \twotwo\ spectrum. The sensitivity in the \oneone line is better in large part because of brighter 6 cm background across the whole W51 region. } Despite the lack of constraint on the  volume density, there is a reasonably strong constraint on the column density.}  {fig:w51MCMCcompare}{1}  The molecular gas is concentrated near, but not exactly on, the bright cm 

Figure \ref{fig:w51hiispectra}.  \FigureTwo{figures_chH2CO/W51_bestfit_spec53_49_IRS2.png}{figures_chH2CO/W51_bestfit_spec53_49_W51e2.png}  {Plots of the optical depth  spectra centered on W51 IRS2 (left) and W51 e2, an ultracompact HII region (right). IRS2 shows high-density gas with a slight hint of infall, but otherwise a somewhat vanilla spectrum. W51e2 has a large, high-density red shoulder, indicating high-density gas at the most red velocity in the system. Because this is foreground gas, that high-density gas \emph{must} be moving towards the \uchii region.} {fig:w51hiispectra}{1}