Adam Ginsburg some trivial formatting changes, I think  about 11 years ago

Commit id: a84d25ee4fc438f6ecab2d1ed885b356299cbd5f

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I examined the brightest sources within the BGPS, discovering 18 with masses  $M>10^4$ \msun, large enough to form bound clusters. These sources are all  actively star-forming and can now be used for unbiased proto-cluster population  studies. These observations allow us to place an upper limit on the starless  lifetimes of young massive clusters $\tau_{starless} < 0.6$ Myr.  I performed follow-up studies with \formaldehyde observations from the Green  Bank Telescope and Arecibo Observatory. With these observations, I measured  the density of infalling gas around \uchii regions and of turbulent gas in  non-star-forming clouds. I also measured the free-free contamination fraction  of BGPS sources, determining that among the brightest, the free-free contribution  to the 1.1 mm flux should be significant and perhaps even dominant.  My study of the W5 region revealed more than 50 new molecular outflows,  highlighting the star-forming sections of the cloud and distinguishing the old  from new generations. In this cloud, the strong feedback from the  bubble-blowing OB stars drives the turbulence, not outflows from young stars.  \input{solobib}         

sources in the Galactic plane. It also turns out to be the nearest proto-massive cluster  at a VLBI-parallax-measured distance of 5.1 kpc (see Chapter \ref{ch:ympc} for a discussion  of massive proto-clusters). The simple reduction of this data is nearly complete, but   analysis has not yet only  begun. In the outer galaxy, we targeted two regions: the Sh 255 complex in Gem OB1 and  the Sh 233-IR/IRAS 05358 complex I studied for my Comps II project. We made  small ($\sim 5\arcmin\times 5\arcmin$) maps of these objects in order to  evaluate the density profiles and determine what systematic biases may have  been present in our single-pointing observations. These outer galaxy sources  are both at $D<2$ kpc, so our resolution is $\lesssim 0.5 pc$ $pc  and we therefore have some marginal hope of discovering dense cores without diluting their  signal too badly. 

in the area around the dust peak.}  {fig:s233irmulti}{0.2}{0}  % tried subtracting "envelope" from "core" and still got absorption  \subsection{W51}  The W51 survey was completed in September 2011. The data reduction process  presented unique challenges: at C-band, the entire region surveyed contains 

%FIGURE: mcmc column vs density   I successfully made density maps of the W51 cloud, though because the velocity  structure is quite complicated, I need it was necessary  to fit two components to most of the map. Two-component fits are never particularly stable, so it was necessary to  restrict the parameters being fitted, and even then the results aren't  perfectly reliable. Despite those caveats, there are some reliable fits,  particularly towards the `core' of W51 Main / W51 IRS 2. There are two  high-density components with $n\sim10^5-10^5.5$ $n\sim10^5-10^{5.5}$ \percc  at different velocities evident in Figure \ref{fig:w51h2cofits}. The southern component, centered on W51 Main,  has $v_{LSR}\sim56-59$. The northern component, a strip going through IRS 2  and towards the west, peaks around $v_{LSR}\sim68-69$. $v_{LSR}\sim68-69$ \kms.  A 10 \kms difference between two extremely dense components, both which are necessarily in the  foreground of the HII region, is shocking (probably, anyway, unless the sound  speed is very high). 

\FigureTwo{figures_chH2CO/W51_H2CO_2parfit_v1_densityvelocity.png}  {figures_chH2CO/W51_H2CO_2parfit_v2_densityvelocity.png}  {Density and Velocity velocity  fits to the W51 Arecibo and GBT \formaldehyde data cubes. The yellow regions in the top panel correspond to \oneone  detections and \twotwo nondetections, indicating upper limits $n<10^{3.8}$  (68\% confidence) or $n<10^{4.3}$ (99.7\% confidence).}         

\newcommand{\paa}{Pa\ensuremath{\alpha}}  \newcommand{\brg}{Br\ensuremath{\gamma}}  \newcommand{\msun}{\ensuremath{M_{\odot}}} \newcommand{\msun}{\ensuremath{M_{\odot}}\xspace}  % Msun \newcommand{\mdot}{\ensuremath{\dot{M}}\xspace}  \newcommand{\lsun}{\ensuremath{L_{\odot}}} % Lsun  \newcommand{\lbol}{\ensuremath{L_{\mathrm{bol}}}} % Lbol        Binary files a/thesis.pdf and /dev/null differ