Adam Ginsburg some thesis updates  about 11 years ago

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quadrant (where they can be observed by both the VLA and ALMA) presents an ideal  starting point for these observations.  %  \section{Acknowledgements} %  We thank the referee for thorough and very helpful comments that strengthened %  this Letter. This work was supported by NSF grant AST 1009847. %\bibliography{boundhii}         

\kms\ (3.0,7.2,17.3,41.6,100; $\sigma\approx0.7$ K \kms). The  ellipses represent the individual outflow lobe apertures mentioned in Section  \ref{sec:measurements}.  }{fig:S201}{0.25}{0} }{fig:S201}{0.5}{0}  \subsection{AFGL 4029}  \label{sec:afgl4029} 

around it is heated on the left side by the O7V star HD 18326 ($D_{proj}=8.5$  pc), suggesting that this gas could be substantially warmer than the other  molecular clouds in W5.  }{fig:lwcas}{1.0}{0} }{fig:lwcas}{0.5}{0}  The ridge is surprisingly faint in HI 21 cm emission compared to the two HII regions  (Figure \ref{fig:HIridge}) considering its 24 \um\ surface brightness. The 

% triggering SF.  \end{itemize}  %  \section{Acknowledgements} %  We thank the two anonymous referees for their assistance in refining this %  document. We thank Devin Silvia for a careful proofread of the text. This work %  has made use of the APLpy plotting package %  (\url{}), the pyregion package %  (\url{}), the agpy code package %  (\url{}) , IPAC's Montage %  (\url{}), the DS9 visualization tool %  (\url{}), the pyspeckit spectrosopic analysis %  toolkit (\url{}), and the STARLINK package %  (\url{}). IRAS data was acquired through IRSA %  at IPAC (\url{}). DRAO 21 cm data was acquired %  from the Canadian Astronomical Data Center %  (\url{}). The authors are supported by the %  National Science Foundation through NSF grant AST-0708403. This research has %  made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France %{\it Facilities:} JCMT, VLA         

%\input{preface}  \section{Non-star-forming, low column-density clouds in absorption}  In \citet{Ginsburg2011a}, we noted that the \formaldehyde densitometer revealed  volume densities much higher than expected given the cloud-average densities 

\FigureTwo{figures_chH2CO/G43.16-0.03_40kms_h2codensfit.png}  {figures_chH2CO/G43.17+0.01_40kms_h2codensfit.png}  {Optical depth spectra of the \oneone and \twotwo lines towards the two W49 lines of sight. The fitted parameters, along with the statistical 1-$\sigma$ errors, are shown in the legend.} legend. The optical depth ratio falls in a regime  where temperature has very little effect and there is no degeneracy between low  and high densities \citep[see Figure 2 of][]{Ginsburg2011a}. For the right line,  it is also unaffected by lognormal turbulence, i.e. no matter what the width of  the density distribution, the measured density remains unchanged \citep[see  Figure 3 of][]{Ginsburg2011a}.}  {fig:h2codensg43}{1}  The density measurements are very precise, with $n\approx2.11\times10^4 \pm 

magnitude than usually assumed. The long lifetimes of GMCs therefore implies  that the cloud cannot be undergoing gravitational collapse, but instead  maintains a turbulent equilibrium.  It also demonstrates that density-based star-formation thresholds do not  independently predict star formation \citep{Parmentier2011}. Star formation  cannot simply be driven by the free-fall time of gas, since apparently much of  the gas above $n>10^4$ \percc is not in free-fall.  % 3c111 is in california, not 3c123  % \subsection{Comparison to 3C123 and the California Nebula}  % The radio source 3C123, an active galactic nucleus, is often used as a flux  % calibrator for radio telescopes. We used it for that purpose in our GBT  % observations, and detected the \twotwo line. \citet{Liszt1995a} detected the  % \oneone line with the NRAO 43m telescope. The line ratio in front of 3C123 is  % approximately $\tau_{1-1}/\tau_{2-2} \approx 10$, which indicates a density  % $n\approx10^{3.6}$ \percc. This density is significantly lower than in the  % W49 40 \kms cloud, but still higher than expected in an inactive GMC  % \citep[which this is][]{Harvey2013a}.  %  % 3c111 may have VLBA, VLA observations  % A low filling-factor may have major impact on analyses of the distribution  % functions of column density that have recently become popular  % \citep[e.g][]{Kainulainen2009}.  %\input{solobib}  %\end{document}         

\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\arabic{footnote}}  }  \def\TallFigureTwo#1#2#3#4#5#6{  \begin{figure*}[htp]  \epsscale{#5}  \subfigure[]{ \includegraphics[width=#6]{#1} }  \subfigure[]{ \includegraphics[width=#6]{#2} }  \caption{#3}  \label{#4}  \end{figure*}  }         

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  @article{Liszt1995a,  Author = {{Liszt}, H. and {Lucas}, R.},  Journal = {\aap},  Month = jul,  Pages = {847},  Title = {{{$\lambda$}6cm and {$\lambda$}2mm H\_2\_CO absorption toward compact extragalactic mm-wave continuum sources.}},  Volume = 299,  Year = 1995}  @article{Parmentier2011a,  Author = {{Parmentier}, G. and {Kauffmann}, J. and {Pillai}, T. and {Menten}, K.~M.},  Journal = {\mnras},  Month = sep,  Pages = {783-789},  Title = {{Volume density thresholds for overall star formation imply mass-size thresholds for massive star formation}},  Volume = 416,  Year = 2011}  @article{Rathborne2009a,  Author = {{Rathborne}, J.~M. and {Lada}, C.~J. and {Muench}, A.~A. and {Alves}, J.~F. and {Kainulainen}, J. and {Lombardi}, M.},  Journal = {\apj},         

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