Elisabeth Mills edited section_Summary_of_existing_and__.tex  about 9 years ago

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\section{Summary of existing and ongoing surveys}  Sorted from low to high frequency. Probably should be a table.  Uniform-coverage Surveys:  \begin{itemize}  \item 74 MHz continuum \citep{Yusef-Zadeh2013c}  \item GBT and VLA continuum at 20, 6, 3 cm: \citet{Law2008a}, \citet{Law2008b}  \item ATCA 6cm H2CO (Ginsburg et al)  \item NH3 NH3, H2O masers  and 1.3 cm continuum: SWAG (Ott et al),GCMS (Kauffmann et al),  HOPS \citep{Walsh2011a} \item 0.8 cm / 36 GHz \citep{Yusef-Zadeh2013a}  \item 90-115 GHz MOPRA CMZ \url{http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/mopracmz/} \citep{Jones2012a}  \item 217-221 GHz APEX CMZ \url{https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/27601} and \url{https://github.com/adamginsburg/APEX_CMZ_H2CO}  \item 230 GHz SMA Legacy Survey of the CMZ (Battersby, Keto)  \item 1.1 mm BGPS \url{http://milkyway.colorado.edu/bgps/}  \item 870 um ATLASGAL \url{http://www3.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/div/atlasgal/}  \item Planck \url{http://irsa.ipac.caltech.edu/data/Planck/release_1/all-sky-maps/}  \item Herschel HiGal \url{https://hi-gal.ifsi-roma.inaf.it/higal/}  \item IRAS  \item ...  \end{itemize}  Pointed & Targeted Surveys (typically toward high column-density gas):  \begin{itemize}  \item 230 GHz SMA Legacy Survey of the CMZ (Battersby, Keto)  \item NH3 (1,1)-(5,5) and H2O masers, GCMS (Kauffmann et al.)  \item NH3 (1,1)-(7,7), HC3N, and CH3OH masers (Mills et al.)  \end{itemize}  Missing: 45-80 GHz, 115-210 GHz