Shannon Mason edited CRE_SW.tex  almost 10 years ago

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\section{Shortwave cloud radiative effect bias}  The $\textrm{CRE}_{\textrm{SW}}$ bias can be decomposed into parts relating to the cloud radiative properties ($\Delta \textrm{CRE}$), \textrm{CRE} \cdot \textrm{RFO}$),  the occurrence of the cloud regime ($\Delta ($\textrm{CRE} \cdot \Delta  \textrm{RFO}$), and a cross-term. cross-term ($\Delta \textrm{CRE} \cdot \Delta \textrm{RFO}$).  Figure~\ref{fig:CRE_SW} shows the decomposed cloud biases related to the hybrid cloud regimes.   We observe:  \begin{itemize}