HypoDD relocations

Figures \ref{Figure6} and \ref{Figure7} show HypoDD relocations for Ngatamariki and Rotokawa, respectively, as well as their occurence in time thoughout 2015. In general, the locations paint the same picture as has been reported for the last few years by the GNS group \citep{Sherburn_2015, Sherburn&Bourguignon_2015}, showing a clustering of events within both reservoirs at depths between 1.5 and 3 km. The Rotokawa cluster, when compared to the NonLinLoc locations, remains much the same, albeit collapsed slightly. There is no obvious time dependence of the event locations within the Rotokawa field. The densest portion of the cluster is located similarly to the locations presented for the end of the 2008-2012 dataset \citep{Sherburn_2015} (polygon in Figure \ref{Figure7}) at between 1 and 3 km. More generally, seismicity not located within the cluster between the injection zone and the Central Field Fault, appears to be roughly 1 to 2 km deeper. As mentioned in section \ref{det_results}, although injection was resumed at RK22 after the plant shutdown, we see no seismicity in the area immediately adjacent to the well. After RK22 injection began, seismicity showed no significant deviation from the trend established during the first part of 2015.

At Ngatamariki, the absolute location of the southern cluster of events near wells NM06 and NM10 changes little relative to the NonLinLoc locations. This remains true for the northern cluster of events near injection wells NM08 and NM09. A relatively small number of events were located within the production area near well NM07. The southern cluster is located along the Aratiatia Fault Zone (Figure \ref{Figure1}) at depths of between 3 and 5 km, consistent with previous reports \citep{Sherburn&Bourguignon_2015} and consistent with the thought that the fault zone provides a direct fluid pathway from portions of the southern injection zone to the production area \citep{buscarlet2015reservoir}. The northern cluster is located in the immediate vicinity of well NM09 and correlated well with the major NM09 permeable zones between 2 and 4 km depth.

Not shown in Figure \ref{Figure6} are small groups of events to the northwest of Ngatamariki which cluster tightly in both space and time. These are probably quake-aftershock sequences associated with active extension across the axis of the TVZ, including one such sequence near the geothermal area at Orakei-Korako which occurred in mid-May of 2015.