Chet Hopp added file thestyle.tex  almost 8 years ago

Commit id: 36f7b8c3f923117b7ed1d352e61051dbb9d17bcb

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\chapter{The front pages}\label{C:ex}  You can declare:  \begin{itemize}  \item an author using \verb+\author{}+ -- your full name;  \item a title using \verb+\title{}+-- ALL IN CAPITALS IN THE EXAMPLE, but we use \verb#\Large# and \verb#\bf#, so normal case will do;  \item a subject using \verb+\subject{}+-- probably Computer Science, but you can pick anything you like;  \item an abstract using \verb+\abstract{}+-- this should be fewer then 500 words for a PhD. The handbook states ``A length of about 300 words is recommended.'' The \textsf{book} style does not have an \verb+abstract+ environment defined, so this is a bit of a hack.  \end{itemize}  You can also specify what degree you are submitting the thesis for by using:  \begin{itemize}  \item \verb+\phd+, which produces ``\ldots in fulfilment of \ldots Doctor of Philosophy''  \item \verb+\mscthesisonly+, which produces ``\ldots in fulfilment of \ldots Master of Science''  \item \verb+\mscwithhonours+, which produces ``\ldots in partial fulfilment of \ldots Master of Science with Honours''  \item \verb+\mscbothparts+, which produces ``\ldots in partial fulfilment of \ldots Master of Science''  \item \verb+\otherdegree{DEGREE OR DIPLOMA NAME}+, which produces ``\ldots in fulfilment of \ldots DEGREE OR DIPLOMA NAME''  \end{itemize}