Chet Hopp added file thes.tex  almost 8 years ago

Commit id: 36f2514c82d7631856315748368f943dc534b814

deletions | additions      


\documentclass[12pt, a4paper, twoside, openright]{book}  \usepackage{vuwthesis} % sets up some local things, mostly the front page  \usepackage{palatino} % sets palatino as the default font  \usepackage{url} % for typesetting urls  %\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.00}  \begin{document}  \frontmatter  % Book style knows about front matter  % Report style doesn't so you need to set roman numbering etc yourself :-(  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \title{The Title}  \author{The Author}  \subject{Computer Science}  \abstract{An abstract of fewer than 500 words must be included.}  % Books don't normally have abstracts, and this is a bit of a hack  % Uncomment the appropriate degree  \phd  %\mscthesisonly  %\mscwithhonours  %\mscbothparts  % \otherdegree{DEGREE OR DIPLOMA NAME}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  \maketitle  \include{thesis-acknowledge}  \tableofcontents  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  % book style knows about mainmatter  % if you are using report style you will have to rest page numbering etc.  \mainmatter  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  % individual chapters included here  \include{thesis-introduction}  \include{thestyle}  \include{library}  \include{binding}  \include{lipsum}  \include{thesis-conclusion}  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  % and of course book style knows about backmatter  % \backmatter caused problems with appendices :-(  % and of course report style doesn't  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  %\bibliographystyle{ieeetr}  \bibliographystyle{acm}  \bibliography{myrefs}  \end{document}