David Russell edited bibliography/biblio.bib  almost 8 years ago

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}  @Article{Reichenbach1927,  author = {Hans Reichenbach (original:}, Reichenbach},  year = {1927},  title = {The Philosophy of Space \& Time", Translated by Maria Reichenbach and John Freund, New York: Dover Publications}  } 

}  @Article{Griffiths1994,  author = {D. J. Griffiths},  year = {1994},  title = {See for example, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" (first Edition} Edition) by D. J. Griffiths}  }  @Article{Cavaliere1971, 

}  @Article{Hossenfelder2012,  author = {S. Hossenfelder},  year = {}, {2012},  title = {For a good recent discussion, see S. Hossenfelder,  Quantum Superpositions of the Speed of Light", Foundations of Physics, 42, 11, 1452-1468}, note = {% http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10701-012-9678-0 }  }