G-Mode Detection Techniques

There are a number of methods for detecting g-modes from instrument data. Spectrum estimators are a common technique with the Fourier spectrum being one of the most widely used estimators \cite{Appourchaux_2003}. The Fourier transform applied to large oscillation redshift data can identify potential g-modes. Mode masking is another technique used for detecting g-modes. Masking is often used to detect modes produced by the sun. Masking helps boost the signal-to-noise ratio and assist in masking other mode peaks that would otherwise interfere with potential g-modes \cite{Wachter_2003}. Patterns is also a technique used on low frequency stars that takes advantage of the asymptotic predictable behavior of low frequency stars. However low frequency g-modes have a very poor signal-to-noise ratio that makes this method difficult. One other promising method for mode detection is the use of multiple instruments \cite{Appourchaux_2003}. This would help clean up the signal and make and modes more prominent and make noise less of an obstacle.