Yen-Lin Chen edited When_applied_an_electric_field__.tex  over 8 years ago

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V(x) = V_0 cos(2k_{F}r+\phi)  \end{equation}  Since the charge density is dictated by potential in the absence of electric fields, thermal fluctuations and scattering events, the CDW is "pinned" on the potential. When applied an oscillating electric field with frequency $\omega$,   \begin{equation}  E(t) = E_0 cos(\omega t)  \end{equation}  there will be DC and AC currents. The empirical DC conductance is of the form\cite{Bardeen_1979}:   \begin{equation}  \sigma(E) = \sigma_a + \sigma_b exp(-E_0/E)  \end{equation}