Drawing and Manipulating Elements

Diagram elements fall into four major categories: propagators, anchors, shapes, and free text. While the user cannot create an anchor from the palette, the rest of these can be added to the diagram by dragging and dropping the corresponding item from the menu on the right. The user can also quickly build diagrams using the shortcuts described in section \ref{sect:shortcuts}.

Individual elements can be selected by clicking on them or encompassing them with a selection rectangle created by dragging on the canvas. If multiple items are encompassed by the rectangle then only configuration parameters that would normally apply to multiple items of each selected type in a given diagram are shown.

Individual elements by dragging them on the canvas. If there are many highlighted elements, one of which is being dragged, then the group will move as a whole.

To deselect an element, click on the canvas.



The shortcuts implemented in the web application are an attempt to provide the optimal workflow for constructing diagrams. As of revision number 450, the implemented shortcut scheme is as follows:

  • Create an anchor: alt + click

  • Create a propagator: alt + drag ; This be initiated on the canvas or from an anchor or line. The latter will cause a split in the line at the anchors location.

  • Move element: click and drag

  • Delete selected element: backspace or delete

  • Undo: ctrl + z

  • Redo: shift + ctrl + z

  • Pan: space + drag

  • Zoom: scroll wheel

Element Configuration


A summary of the valid configuration parameters for each element and style type can be found in table \ref{table:configuration}.


Parameter Name Value Type Valid Element Default Description
color hexidecimal color all 000000 The color of the element
lineWidth float fermion, dashed, gluon, electroweak, sfermion, gluino 1.4 The width of the line in pts
label string fermion, dashed, gluon, electroweak, sfermion, gluino *empty* The label to show around the line
labelDistance float fermion, dashed, gluon, electroweak, sfermion, gluino 30 The distance from the label to the line in pots
labelLocation float fermion, dashed, gluon, electroweak, sfermion, gluino 0.5 Where along the line the label should place itself
showArrow boolean fermion, dashed false Wether or not to show the arrows
loopDirection 1 or -1 gluon, electroweak 1 Wether the period starts up or down
endCaps boolean gluon true Wether or not to draw end caps with the gluon
fixed boolean anchor false Wether or not the anchor should listen to move commands