Alec Aivazis edited figures/lab3_4/caption.tex  over 9 years ago

Commit id: 4920b07a84901396ddb929964e1518f92216a09d

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Part 3 instructed me to build a 4 bit counter that incremented every second using only 1 mod counter, elementary gates and a D flop. Similar to the circuit constructed in part 2, this was made by connecting the cout of a one bit counter to the cin of another to represent next leading bit. The one bit counters were created using an xor gate and an and gate as shown in figure . Hooking up the CLOCK_50 CLOCK\_50  to a counter with modulus 5000000 which passed its signal to the first counter causes the system to tick every second. The clear lines of the one bit counters were created using an inverter; the clear line must be low in order for the result from the counter to be passed to the D flop. By hooking up the final D flops to the same clock, I was able to create a synchronous 4 bit counter.