Systematic uncertainties in signal region


Gaussian statictics were assumed for calculating statistical uncertainties. The baseline systematic uncertainties were adapted from \cite{Khachatryan_2014} as it has focuses on a similar kinematic region. This included a 2.6% uncertainty to account for mismeasurement of the luminosity, a 6% uncertainty added for each lepton in the requirement, a 4% uncertainity was added due to trigger efficiencies, and finally an additional 2% for each b-tagged jet required as part of the signal region.

In order to deduce a systematic uncertainty associated with the scaling of the jet energy, the factor used to scale was increased and decreased by a fixed amount. The two relative differences from the original value were averaged together to produce a single number for a given mass point. This process resulted in a systematic uncertainty of 2% to be added to the analysese where the supersymmetric top’s mass was below 500 GeV. A 3% uncertainty was added to those events where \(m_\mathrm{stop}\) falls between 550 and 700 GeV and a 4% uncertainty was added to the analysis at higher mass points.

Uncertainties associated with the \(dy\) based scale factor were found by finding the difference in the scale factor between the signal region and the \(dy\) dominated control region. This difference was then averaged over to produce a final systematic error due to \(S_{dy}\). For those events where \(m_\mathrm{stop}\) falls between 200 and 450 Gev, this uncertainty was 10%. For analyses with higher mass points, this uncertainty increased to 25%.