Brandon Holt add latency graph  over 9 years ago

Commit id: be1ac1c66372194f0bf6b41243bde477fa97eee2

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#!/usr/bin/env Rscript  source('common.R')  d <- db('select db('  select  * from tapir where generator_time is not null and total_time is not null', null  and (initusers = 50 or initusers = 500)  ',  factors=c('nshards', 'nclients'), numeric=c('total_time', 'txn_count')) 'txn_count')  )  colnames(d)  d$txn_abort_rate d$abort_rate  <- d$txn_failed / d$txn_count (d$txn_count  + d$txn_failed d$txn_failed)  d$throughput <- d$txn_count * as.numeric(d$nclients) / d$total_time  d$avg_latency_ms <- d$txn_time / d$txn_count * 1000  common_layers <- list(theme_mine  , facet_grid(.~nshards, labeller=label_pretty) 

))+  geom_meanbar()+  common_layers  , name='throughput',  w=4, h=3) save(  ggplot(d, aes(  x = nclients,  y = avg_latency_ms,  color = nshards,  fill = nshards,  group = nshards  ))+  # geom_meanbar()+  # stat_summary(fun.y='mean', geom='bar', position='dodge')+  stat_smooth()+  common_layers+  geom_hline(y=0)+  facet_grid(nshards~initusers, labeller=label_pretty)  , name='avg_latency', w=8, h=6)  save(  ggplot(d, aes(  x = nclients,  y = abort_rate,  color = nshards,  fill = nshards,  group = nshards  ))+  # geom_meanbar()+  # stat_summary(fun.y='mean', geom='bar', position='dodge')+  stat_smooth()+  common_layers+  geom_hline(y=0)+  facet_grid(nshards~initusers, labeller=label_pretty)  , name='abort_rates', w=8, h=6)  d.m <- melt(d,  

x = nclients,  y = value,  fill = txn_type,  color = txn_type,  group = txn_type,  ))+  # geom_meanbar()+  #  stat_summary(fun.y='mean', geom='bar', position='dodge')+ stat_summary(fun.y='mean', geom='line')+  common_layers+  facet_grid(nshards~initusers, labeller=label_pretty)  , name='abort_rates', name='abort_breakdown',  w=8, h=6)