Brandon Holt update plots  about 9 years ago

Commit id: bd5cb4ba75fcbe517bb2bdd7ac5c0c4f899e443c

deletions | additions      


#!/usr/bin/env Rscript  source('common.R')  capply <- function(col, func) unlist(lapply(col, func))  data <- function(d) {  d$abort_rate <- d$txn_failed / (d$txn_count + d$txn_failed)  d$throughput <- d$txn_count * num(d$nclients) / d$total_time  # d$throughput <- d$ntxns * num(d$nclients) / d$total_time  d$avg_latency_ms <- d$txn_time / d$txn_count * 1000    d$Commutativity d$`Concurrency Control`  <- revalue(d$ccmode, c( 'bottom'='base (none)',  'simple'='simple' 'rw'='reader/writer',  'simple'='commutative'  ))    d$Graph <- capply(d$gen, function(s) gsub('kronecker:.+','kronecker',s))    d$facet <- sprintf('sh: %d, u: %d, g: %s', num(d$nshards), d$initusers, d$Graph)  d$gen_label <- sprintf('%d users\n%s', d$initusers, d$Graph)  return(d)  }  d.all <- data(db("  select * from tapir where   generator_time is not null and total_time is not null  and (initusers = 50 or initusers = 500)  and name like 'claret-v%'  ",  factors=c('nshards', 'nclients'), 

d <- data(db("  select * from tapir where   generator_time is not null and total_time is not null  and(initusers = 50 or initusers = 500)  and  name like 'claret-v0.3%' 'claret-v0.5.1%'  and ccmode != 'bottom'  ",  factors=c('nshards', 'nclients'),  numeric=c('total_time', 'txn_count') 

theme_mine  , name='throughput_compare_versions', w=6, h=7)  d.u <- subset(d, (initusers == 4096 |  initusers == 500 512)  & gen nshards  == 'uniform') 4)  save(  ggplot(d.u, aes(  x = nclients,  y = throughput,  group = Commutativity, `Concurrency Control`,  fill = Commutativity, `Concurrency Control`,  color = Commutativity `Concurrency Control`  ))+  # geom_meanbar()+  stat_smooth()+  common_layers facet_wrap(~gen_label)+  theme_mine  , name='throughput', w=4, h=3) h=5)  save(  ggplot(d, aes(  x = nclients,  y = throughput,  group = `Concurrency Control`,  fill = `Concurrency Control`,  color = `Concurrency Control`  ))+  # geom_meanbar()+  stat_smooth()+  # facet_grid(nshards~initusers, labeller=label_pretty)+  facet_wrap(~facet)+  theme_mine  , name='throughput_explore', w=8, h=7)  save(  ggplot(d.u, aes(  x = nclients,  y = avg_latency_ms,  group = Commutativity, `Concurrency Control`,  fill = Commutativity, `Concurrency Control`,  color = Commutativity `Concurrency Control`  ))+  stat_smooth()+  geom_hline(y=0)+  common_layers facet_wrap(~gen_label)+  theme_mine  , name='avg_latency', w=4, h=3) h=5)  save(  ggplot(d, aes(  x = nclients,  y = avg_latency_ms,  group = Commutativity, `Concurrency Control`,  fill = Commutativity, `Concurrency Control`,  color = Commutativity `Concurrency Control`  ))+  # geom_meanbar()+  # stat_summary(fun.y='mean', geom='bar', position='dodge')+ 

facet_grid(nshards~initusers, labeller=label_pretty)  , name='avg_latency_explore', w=8, h=6)  subset(d.u, select=c('nshards','nclients','Graph','Concurrency Control','abort_rate','throughput'))  save(  ggplot(d.u, aes(  x = nclients,  y = abort_rate,  group = Commutativity, `Concurrency Control`,  fill = Commutativity, `Concurrency Control`,  color = Commutativity `Concurrency Control`  ))+  stat_smooth()+  common_layers+  geom_hline(y=0)+  facet_grid(~nshards, labeller=label_pretty) facet_wrap(~gen_label)+  theme_mine  , name='abort_rates', w=4, h=3) h=5)  save(  ggplot(d, aes(  x = nclients,  y = abort_rate,  group = ccmode, `Concurrency Control`,  fill = ccmode, `Concurrency Control`,  color = ccmode `Concurrency Control`  ))+  # geom_meanbar()+  # stat_summary(fun.y='mean', geom='bar', position='dodge')+  stat_smooth()+  common_layers+  #  geom_hline(y=0)+ facet_grid(nshards~initusers, labeller=label_pretty) facet_wrap(~facet)  , name='abort_rates_exploration', w=4, h=3) w=7, h=7)  d$op_retries_total <- d$op_retries * num(d$nclients)  d$op_retry_ratio <- d$op_retries / d$op_count  save(  ggplot(d, ggplot(subset(d),  aes( x = nclients,  y = op_retry_ratio,  group = ccmode, `Concurrency Control`,  fill = ccmode, `Concurrency Control`,  color = ccmode `Concurrency Control`  ))+  stat_smooth()+  common_layers+  geom_hline(y=0)+  #  facet_grid(nshards~initusers, labeller=label_pretty) facet_wrap(~facet)  , name='op_retries', w=8, h=6)  d.u$retwis_newuser_latency <- d.u$retwis_newuser_time / d.u$retwis_newuser_count  d.u$retwis_post_latency <- d.u$retwis_post_time / d.u$retwis_post_count  d.u$retwis_repost_latency <- d.u$retwis_repost_time / d.u$retwis_repost_count  d.u$retwis_timeline_latency <- d.u$retwis_timeline_time / d.u$retwis_timeline_count  d.u$retwis_follow_latency <- d.u$retwis_follow_time / d.u$retwis_follow_count  save(  ggplot(d.u, aes(  x = nclients,  y = retwis_repost_latency * 1000,  group = `Concurrency Control`,  color = `Concurrency Control`,  fill = `Concurrency Control`  ))+  stat_smooth()+  facet_wrap(~Graph)+  theme_mine  , name='repost_txn_latency', w=4, h=3) <- melt(d.u,  measure=c(  'retwis_newuser_latency',  'retwis_post_latency',  'retwis_repost_latency',  'retwis_timeline_latency',  'retwis_follow_latency'  )  )$txn_type <- capply($variable, function(s) gsub('retwis_(\\w+)_latency','\\1', s))$latency_ms <-$value * 1000  save(  ggplot(, aes(  x = nclients,  y = latency_ms,  group = txn_type,  color = txn_type,  fill = txn_type  ))+  stat_smooth()+  facet_wrap(~Graph)+  theme_mine  , name='txn_breakdown_latency', w=4, h=3)  d.ct <- melt(d.u,  measure=c(  'retwis_newuser_count',  'retwis_post_count',  'retwis_repost_count',  'retwis_timeline_count',  'retwis_follow_count'  )  )  d.ct$txn_type <- capply(d.ct$variable, function(s) gsub('retwis_(\\w+)_count','\\1', s))  d.ct$total_count <- d.ct$value * num(d.ct$nclients)  save(  ggplot(d.ct, aes(  x = txn_type,  y = total_count,  group = txn_type,  fill = txn_type  ))+  geom_meanbar()+  facet_wrap(~Graph)+  theme_mine  , name='txn_counts', w=4, h=3)  d.m <- melt(subset(d, ccmode == 'simple'),  measure=c(  'retwis_newuser_success', 

# geom_meanbar()+  stat_summary(fun.y='mean', geom='smooth')+  common_layers+  facet_grid(nshards~initusers, labeller=label_pretty) facet_wrap(~facet)  , name='txn_breakdown', w=8, h=6)