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Transforming Chronic Disease Management with Chatbots: Key Use Cases for Personalized and Cost-effective Care
  • Ahshanul Haque ,
  • Md Naseef-Ur-Rahman Chowdhury ,
  • Hamdy Soliman
Ahshanul Haque
New Mexico Tech, New Mexico Tech

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Md Naseef-Ur-Rahman Chowdhury
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Hamdy Soliman
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Globally, the problem of chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease is getting worse. These diseases have a significant impact on patients and healthcare systems. Innovative technologies like chatbots, which promise to improve the management of chronic diseases, have emerged as potential solutions to these difficulties. Chatbots are man- made brainpower (artificial intelligence) programs that can recreate discussions with people and give customized and practical consideration. The primary purposes of this study are to investigate the most important applications of chatbots in the management of chronic diseases, including personalized education, symptom monitoring, medication management, and lifestyle coaching. In addition, it discusses the potential ad- vantages and disadvantages of chatbots in the management of chronic diseases, including the need for human oversight, data privacy, and patient engagement. The paper concludes that, although chatbots have the potential to transform the management of chronic diseases by providing personalized and cost-effective care, careful consideration of ethical, legal, and regulatory frameworks is required for their integration into healthcare systems.