Analysis and Discussion

Both \(\rho_{n-Ge}\) and \(\rho_{p-Ge}\) are reasonable results. Resistance of the n-Ge sample calculated with \(\rho_{n-Ge}\) is \(41.05 \Omega\), and resistance of the p-Ge sample calculated with \(\rho_{p-Ge}\) is \(50.49 \Omega\). Both values are within \(3\%\) difference with the measured resistances of \(40.1\) and \(52.4\Omega\) respectively. This ensures that we have indeed measured the correct current that will be used in calculating the Hall coefficients and carrier densities for n-Ge and p-Ge.

We calculated the resistance for silver with its resistivity as well. Its resistance turned out to be \(0.0662\Omega\). This is a very small resistance, and since the calculated resistivity is about a factor of a hundred greater than the literature value, our expected resistance for silver is \(0.00662\), a even smaller value. Looking at the differences between calculated and measured resistances for n-Ge and p-Ge, this calculated resistivity for our silver sample could be well dominated by contact resistance in the \(V_L\) measurement.

To be sure that this is the cause of our inaccurate resistivity for silver, we propose to make a 4 terminal measurement instead of a 2 terminal measurement for current and resistance. A 4 terminal measurement allows the voltage to be measured across just the sample and not the contact where current runs through that may have a voltage drop because of its contact resistance.