We calculated the chi square of the fits shown in Figure \ref{fig:VBtransverse} and Figure \ref{fig:VBradial}, and we found that \(\chi^2\) = \(11.48\) for radial and \(\chi^2\) = \(9.27\). According to the Chi Square Distribution Table , \(P(\chi^2;\nu)\) for radial sensor is in the range of \(0.25\) and \(0.5\), but it is closer to \(0.5\). Since a reasonable fit means \(P(\chi^2;\nu)\) is around \(0.5\), we conclude that the fit for radial sensor is a reasonable fit. Although not perfect, it’s acceptable and will not be questioned. \(P(\chi^2;\nu)\) for transverse sensor is in the range of \(0.50\) and \(0.75\), but it is also much closer to \(0.50\), so we conclude that our fit for transverse sensor is also a reasonable fit.