Nathanael A. Fortune edited section_Introduction_subsection_Johnson_Noise__.tex  over 8 years ago

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\subsection{Johnson Noise:}  Johnson noise is electric noise generated from small thermal fluctuations of the electrons through an electrical conductor. Thermal noise arises because the electrons create a random, and measurable, fluctuation in voltage.Therefore, larger resistances would generate more noise because the electrons carry more energy and in turn create a higher fluctuation in voltage. In order to understand Johnson Noise, imagine that a resistor is filled with electrons. At anytime the electrons are bouncing off or scattering off each other. This means that at any given time, there will be an imbalance of electrons from one side of the resistor to the other. This imbalance of electrons results in a difference of electric potential across the resistor, which is noise.  THIS WOULD BE AN EXCELLENT PLACE TO INTRODUCE EQ.~\ref{eq:boltzmann}  \textbf{Reference:} Therefore, larger resistances would generate more noise because the electrons carry more energy and in turn create a higher fluctuation in voltage. In order to understand Johnson Noise, imagine that a resistor is filled with electrons. At anytime the electrons are bouncing off or scattering off each other. This means that at any given time, there will be an imbalance of electrons from one side of the resistor to the other. This imbalance of electrons results in a difference of electric potential across the resistor, which is noise.  \textit{First, this is NOT acceptable as a way of citing work in academic journals such as AJP. As shown in class, see the article by the AJP editors on how to properly format a paper for AJP, the \href{}{lab instructions} about Johnson Noise and Shot Noise for examples of how to use Authorea to cite work, and also the \href{}{Authorea tutorial} on this site, all of which have been discussed in class. }  Reference:  \textit{Second, your reference is another student's unpublished lab report? Your assignment is to write up your results as if they were to be submitted to the American Journal of Physics, so you need to find a better (more reliable and more accurate) reference for Johnson Noise and Shot Noise than that.}  \textit{\textbf{Maybe it is time to take a look at what your course text (Melissinos) has to say.} Did you take time to read it yet? See pages 122 - 133 for Johnson noise. For Shot noise, start with the TeachSpin manual. }  \textit{There are many good references to original literature on Johnson Noise and Shot noise in the TeachSpin manual and in Melissinos (for Johnson noise), and references to the original literature in the \href{}{lab instructions} you were provided. }