Nathanael A. Fortune edited textbf_please_see_specific_comments__.tex  over 8 years ago

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V_{\textrm{Johnson noise, RMS}} = \sqrt{} = \sqrt{(4 R \Delta f) (k_B T) }  \end{equation}  across a resistor through which no current is flowing, where R is the resistor's resistance, $\Delta f$ (also known as the measurement's Equivalent Noise Band Width (ENBW)) represents the range of frequencies over which you are measuring the ac voltage generated by the random motion of the electrons. Alternatively, if you prefer, you electrons, and then talk about how it  could express the relation in terms be measured as a function  of the \textit{mean square ac voltage} $ = (4 R \Delta f) k_B T$. You would also mention that this non-zero mean square ac voltage due R, $\Delta f$ and/or $T$  to thermally generated random motion of electrons is known as Johnson noise \cite{Johnson_1928}, named after the person who first discovered and measured it. determine Boltzmann's constant $k_B$.  Alternatively, if you prefer, you could express the relation in terms of the \textit{mean square ac voltage} $ = (4 R \Delta f) k_B T$.  You would of course also mention that this non-zero mean square ac voltage due to thermally generated random motion of electrons is known as Johnson noise \cite{Johnson_1928}, named after the person who first discovered and measured it.  \textbf{Similarly, the Shot noise part of your aims section would be expected to} reference Schottky's prediction of a fundamental relation between the size of the fluctuations $<\delta i^2(t)>$ \textit{in a current of uncorrelated (randomly emitted) electrons} of average magnitude $i_{dc}$ (produced, in this case, by a photo-diode illuminated by a light bulb)and the amount of charge $e$ carried by an individual electron in that current:   \begin{equation}  \label{eq:SchottkyPredictionForShotNoise}  <\delta i^2(t)> = 2 e i_{\textrm{dc}} \Delta f .   \end{equation}  where  $\Delta f$ is the ENBW, as before. before, and would reference how your could determine $e$ from measurements of $<\delta i^2(t)>$ and $i_{dc}$.  If you need to review the physics behind this, I STRONGLY suggest re-reading Chapter 1 of the TeachSpin manual on JOhnson Noise and Chapter 3 on Shot noise rather than relying on the unpublished lab report of an undergraduate from another school whose data isn't nearly as good as yours!