Nathanael A. Fortune edited subsection_Method_YOU_NEED_SOME__.tex  over 8 years ago

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\subsection{Method}  YOU \textbf{YOU  NEED SOME SORT OF preliminary explanation explanation}  of what you are doing here before showering us with specific examples. For example, why data at $10 \textrm{ k}\Omega$, $1 \textrm{ k}\Omega$ and $1 \Omega$? The reader needs to know this before you start giving her the results for each of these cases. This should be a reasonably straightforward explanation to provide if you refer to what you expect from the Johnson noise equation and an additional equation explaining how what you measure is a combination of Johnson noise and other sources. That explanation should include an explanation of why the formula involves $$ and $$ as opposed to $$ and $$ or $<(V_J + V_{\textrm{other noise}})^2>$, for example.