Madeline Horn edited The_Q_values_came_from__.tex  over 8 years ago

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The Q values came from the Noise Fundamental test data and are shown in Table \ref{table:True_Bandwidth1}. By usingthis  Equation \ref{eq:ENBW}, we found the Equivolent Noise Bandwith or $\Delta f$. After plotting $V^2/4TR$ versus Bandwidth ($\Delta f$) for both $10K \Omega$ and $1K \Omega$, we were able to find the slope. The slope of Figure \ref{fig:JohnsonGraph}, which is $k_B$, the Boltlmann Constant. Both K $k_B$  values were obtained from the slope of Figure \ref{fig:JohnsonGraph} and are shown in Table \ref{table:Final_Johson}. These values are close to the actual Boltzmann Constant ($1.38064852 \cdot 10^{-23} \textrm{ m}^2 \textrm{ kg} \textrm{ s}^{-2} \textrm{ K}^{-1}$) and the accuracy of this result is due to systematic error.