Nathanael A. Fortune edited textbf_please_see_specific_comments__.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 68f19a55468c23d15a1cf3f5f0eeabe330b9b77f

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\textbf{Similarly, the Shot noise part of your aims section would be expected to} reference Schottky's prediction of a fundamental relation between the size of the fluctuations $<\delta i^2(t)>$ in \textit{in  a current of \textit{uncorrelated uncorrelated  (randomly emitted) electrons} and of average magnitude $i_{dc}$ (produced, in this case, by a photo-diode illuminated by a light bulb)and  the amount of charge $e$ carried by an individual electron in that current: \begin{equation}  \label{eq:SchottkyPredictionForShotNoise}  <\delta i^2(t)> = 2 e i_{\textrm{dc}} \Delta f .  \end{equation}  where $e$ is the charge carried by an electron, $i_{dc}$ is the average dc current (produced, in this case, by a photo-diode illuminated by a light bulb), and $\Delta f$ is the ENBW, as before. If you need to review the physics behind this, I STRONGLY suggest re-reading Chapter 1 of the TeachSpin manual on JOhnson Noise and Chapter 3 on Shot noise rather than relying on the unpublished lab report of an undergraduate from another school whose data isn't nearly as good as yours!