Nathanael A. Fortune edited textbf_This_is_better_than__.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 52f73c4ddaf508d7431a6859e0228b8a685d9613

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\textbf{This \textbf{NOTE} This  is better than the explanation for the 0 $10  \textrm{ k}\Omega$ data, but it still isn't as clear as it could be. It would really help to have an equation here. For example, I'm not sure if you are saying the values in the table are $V_{\textrm{meter}} = (^2 + ^2) G_1 G_2 / (10 \textrm{Volts}) \textrm{ [mV]}$, and, as a result, the values in the table are voltages, or that they are $(^2 + ^2) G_1 G_2$ and are in units of voltage squared? If so, why not make it clear by saying that?} that?