Lucy Liang deleted Table_ref_table_Johnson3_shows__.tex  over 8 years ago

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Table \ref{table:Johnson3} shows the values for the Boltmann experiment for a resistance of $1 \Omega$, a temperature of $296$ Kelvin, a G1 of $\times600$, a G2 of $\times1000$, and we varied $f1$ and $f2$ in order to change the bandwidth. This data was used as the error and subtracted from Table.~\ref{table:Johnson1} and Table.~\ref{table:Johnson2}.  The values in \ref{table:Johnson3} are explained by the following equation:  $V_{\textrm{meter}} = (^2 + ^2) G_1 G_2 / (10 \textrm{Volts}) \textrm{ [mV]}$  where the factor of $10 \textrm{Volts}$ comes from the amplifier and the $^2 + ^2$ is the measured voltage from the multi-meter before the error has been subtracted.         

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