Nathanael A. Fortune edited textbf_please_see_specific_comments__.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 4b1dcf956a1787dc3289a7fd10519f1f63032606

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\textbf{please see specific comments on previous section (Aims). In addition, I have some broader comments I'd like to share with you. }  \textbf{First, I think you should take a second look at the Aims section of the "better" photoelectric paper we reviewed in class.} That example includes the key equations describing the physical phenomena that were investigated in their photoelectric effect measurements: (1) measurements --- such as  the relation between the energy of the photon striking the metal surface and the kinetic energy of the electron that is then ejected from the surface ---  and (2) how they might use also explains  that their aim is to use those  fundamental physics relation relations  to determine the value of the ``work function'' A and the value of a fundamental physics constant (actually, combination of constants) $ hc/e$. \textbf{In your case, the Johnson noise part of your aims section would be expected to} reference Nyquist's prediction \cite{Nyquist_1928} of a fundamental relation between the average thermal energy of an electron (approximately $k_B T$) and the measured \textit{root mean square ac voltage}   \begin{equation}