
By studying the mass/luminosity of galaxies and planetary systems, it is clear that there is some mass missing. About \(10 \%\) of the mass is composed of luminous material, such as stars, and there is about \(90 \%\) of a galaxies mass unaccounted for. This non-luminous mass is called dark matter because it does not contribute to the total galaxies luminosity. Possible candidates for dark matter would be black holes, dwarf stars, different types of non-luminous gas, and planets. But, even after adding all of that mass together, there is still a huge portion of mass unaccounted for. We also know that dark matter must not interact via the electromagnetic force or we would have detected it by now. Also, we know it must interact with the gravitation force because we can see the gravitational effects of dark matter throughout the Universe. In this report, I will be studying possible dark matter candidates with a focus on cold dark matter.