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A Functionally Separate Autoencoder
  • Jinxin Wei
Jinxin Wei
Vocational School at Juancheng, Vocational School at Juancheng, Vocational School at Juancheng, Vocational School at Juancheng

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According to kids’ learning process, an auto-encoder which can be split into two parts is designed. The two parts can work well separately. The top half is an abstract network which is trained by supervised learning and can be used to classify and regress. The bottom half is a concrete network which is accomplished by inverse function and trained by self-supervised learning. It can generate the input of abstract network from concept or label. The network can achieve its intended functionality through testing by mnist dataset and convolution neural network. Round function is added between the abstract network and concrete network in order to get the representative generation of class. The generation ability can be increased by adding jump connection and negative feedback. At last, the characteristics of the network is discussed. The input can be changed to any form by encoder and then change it back by decoder through inverse function. The concrete network can be seen as the memory stored by the parameters. Lethe is that when new knowledge input, the training process makes the parameters change. At last, the application of the network is discussed. The network can be used for logic generation through deep reinforcement learning. The network can also be used for language translation, zip and unzip, encryption and decryption, compile and decompile, modulation and demodulation.