\label{fig:Table} An example table with fit parameters used in Equation \ref{eq2}. This particular table corresponds to the \(5^{2}S_{1/2}\) F=2 ground state to the \(5^{2}P_{3/2}\) F=1, F=2, and F=3 excited states of \(^{85}\)Rb.

EXCEPT for \(\Gamma\), I don’t see ANY of these parameters used in Equation \ref{eq2} . What do the ‘t_1’ and ’t_2’ etc refer to? Are they used to find \(\omega\) values in the equation, for which no information is given in the table? If so, how? Are the \(A_1\), \(A_2\) values, etc six different possible values for \(A\) in Equation \ref{eq2}?Your table of parameters and your equation that uses those parameters MUST match for your reader to understand what you are presenting here.