In order to measure the frequency, we adjusted the scale of the oscilloscope so that we could measure the frequency for 10 cycles. We used the frequency the oscilloscope measured for 10 cycles to determine the frequency of one cycle- the Larmor precession frequency. In order to measure amplitude, we chose to measure the amplitudes of three cycles whose peaks fell on the points t=0 ms, t=50 ms, and t=100 ms. t=0 corresponded to the time when the polarization field is no longer applied and any artifacts from the electronics have died out.

By changing the strength of the magnetic field or the polarization time, we could study the effects on precession frequency and magnetization. Keeping the polarization time constant at 4s and varying the current from 0.5A to 3.0A (corresponding to varying field from 7.5 mT to 45 mT), we can determine dependence of precession frequency upon polarization field. We found there to be no dependence, as predicted by Equation  \ref{eq:precession}; and we found the precession frequency to be \(1.852 kHz \pm 0.018 kHz\). We then kept the polarization time constant at 5s and varied the field, measuring the amplitude of the precession data using the method described above. We then fit the data to a linear fit, so we can determine the relationship between polarization time and magnetization. We then kept the field constant at 45 mT and varied polarization time, measuring amplitude and therefore magnetization. We fit the data to Eqn. \ref{eq:growthrate} to find the rate of polarization of the water molecules. We again kept field constant at 45 mT and varied the polarization time, measuring the amplitude to find the time at which saturation occurs. We could then record the amplitude seen when keeping the polarization at the saturation time (~10s, see Figure \ref{fig:measurepolarizationtime}) and varying the current. In this way, we can find the dependence of magnetization on magnetic field.