Paul St-Aubin edited subsection_Regression_Results_subsubsection_Speed__.tex  about 7 years ago

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\subsubsection{Speed}  A stepwise linear regression is performed on mean road user  \gls{merging_zone} speed (measured in measured (in  km/h) for all \glspl{road_user} (\lstinline|mean_speed|), at each merging zone individually,  testing all explainable differences between sites, shown in Tables~\ref{tab:se_site_summary_se} and \ref{tab:se_site_summary_qc}. The coefficients, coefficients of regression,  adjusted $R^2$, Wald test, test score,  and number of observations are provided in Table~\ref{tab:se_regression_mean_speed}. Note that \gls{roundabout} roundabout outside  radius, flow ratio, land use, urban density, and construction year were not significant in predicting mean speed. Instead, a good model (with an adjusted $R^2 = 0.658$) with only two factors remains: \begin{itemize}  \item A significant reduction in mean speed of 4.5~km/h is observed at the Swedish sites.  \item Increases in hourly traffic volume are correlated with reductions in mean speed as well. This is not surprising, given standard traffic flow theory (e.g.\ Greenshield's Model).  \end{itemize}  These conclusions are similar to those drawn from the descriptive analysis performed in section~\ref{ref:se_descriptive_speed}. exploratory analysis.  More importantly, however, is the confirmation that none of the factors that were controlled between sites are shown to have an impact on speed, suggesting that regional, cultural, and \gls{road_user} education effects might be in play instead. %stepwise, pr(.1001) pe(.1): regress mean_speed sweden hourlyflowvehhln outsideRadius_m yearsSinceBuilt flowRatio lu2 d2 d3  %stepwise, pr(.1001) pe(.1): regress start_gap_lt5s_median sweden hourlyflowvehhln outsideRadius_m yearsSinceBuilt flowRatio lu2 d2 d3 

& \multicolumn{2}{p{1.25in}}{Mean Speed} & \multicolumn{2}{p{1.25in}}{Median Lag \gls{YPET}}\\  & Coefficient & P>|t| & Coefficient & P>|t| \\  \hline   \lstinline|_cons | _cons  & 35.898 & 0.000 & 1.303 & 0.018 \\ \lstinline|sweden | Swedish site  & -4.460 & 0.007 & - & - \\ \lstinline|outsideRadius_m | Outside Radius (m)  & - & - & .0798 & 0.010 \\ \lstinline|inputflowphpl | Flow (per hour per lane)  & -0.0240 & 0.003 & -.00336 & 0.001 \\ \hline   \textbf{Adjusted $R^2$} & \multicolumn{2}{p{1.25in}}{0.6582} & \multicolumn{2}{p{1.25in}}{0.4475} \\  \textbf{Wald prob.\ $> F$} & \multicolumn{2}{p{1.25in}}{0.0001} & \multicolumn{2}{p{1.25in}}{0.0034} \\