tonyfast edited current research  about 10 years ago

Commit id: 3e2cfc109fe364258dd12404497a013bc8c9191b

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* Dissemination of Research Results  * Teaching the Next Generation Workforce  Each component of the scientific research process influences the other, but yet there are serialized efforts to support each component individually. These efforts are fighting uphill battles, the masses will sort this out. Embrace it and focus energy in better places. Data archiving and code/software management are topics that the scientific research community is addressing to serve their specific needs, but they are building non-scalable, non-transferable ideas. Data and Code Management are topics that the software community is addressing.   The dissemination of research results is truly marring the progress of science. Researchers are stumped, progress isn't moving forward as science has promised. Researchers are concerned with the quality of figures, tightness of sentences, and word counts when trying to express their positive contributions to the knowledge base of science. This has largely become the responsibility of science; researchers disseminate their best and proudest results. Cool, thanks guys, you are awesome. But what about the process! I don't give a shit about your product. Science is process driven. Scientists are artists. They work in a limited design space of experimental tools, statistical tools, and computational simulations; they drive thier experimental process off of assumptions and intuition; science can never be proven to be right; stop trying to do that.