tonyfast edited current research  about 10 years ago

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The Venn diagram in Fig xx. illustrates each scientific product. New collaboration models are being overlain on top existing software architectures. Github and collaborative Latex (e.g. ShareTex, Bibtex) editors are being merged to cite data and code in scientific publications. Cooperative efforts are stream lining the scientific process to get from vetted scientific research to the final publication.  The problem with the current paradigm of science is that it is still steeped in tradition that is inhibiting its ability to its best. Most scientific progress is being evaluated under a traditional accounting model; progress is vetted by small groups of peers that are domain experts in a subject area; this proliferates as strong bias from traditional scientific practices. In "The Lean Startup", Eric Reis defines a startup as "a human institution designed to create a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty". His Lean Startup philosophy, that is adopted from lean manufacturing ideas, has driven many successful startup businesses; the same ideas have infiltrated divisions of enomorous corporations too. The future has become too uncertain, we are building different ideas, not better ones. When the ideas are different, they cannot be evaluated on that past. Reis brings forth the idea of innovation accounting to value progress and learning rather than improvement. To me, science has been the bleeding edge of uncertainty, the scientific world was easier to navigate. Now there is a gigantic generation gap between the agile, lean software development world that is placing demands on science whos progress is still waterfall development with a strong focus and less the customer. Science is a public service, it is a responsibility to satisfy the demands of society before our intellectual curiousities.  The future doesn't need to be better. It needs to be different. I want nostalgia forever, but you can now talk to someone on the other side of the world and see their face in real fucking time.