Xiao deleted section_Required_Metadata_label_section__.tex  over 8 years ago

Commit id: 58316a996ae7b61052fdf133a081f4dd5a999bf6

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sectionImpact_label.tex  sectionConclusions_l.tex  sectionAcknowledgeme.tex  section_Required_Metadata_label_section__.tex           

\section{Required Metadata}  \label{}  \section{Current code version}  \label{}  Ancillary data table required for subversion of the codebase. Kindly replace examples in right column with the correct information about your current code, and leave the left column as it is.  \begin{table}  \begin{tabular}{lll}  \hline  \textbf{Nr.} & \textbf{Code metadata description} & \textbf{Please fill in this column} \\  \hline  C1 & Current code version & For example v42 \\  \hline  C2 & Permanent link to code/repository & \href{https://github.com/mozart/mozart2}{For example} \\  \hline  C3 & Legal Code License & List one of the approved licenses \\  \hline  C4 & Code versioning system used & For example svn, git, mercurial. \\  \hline  C5 & Software code languages, tools, & For example C++, python. \\  \hline  C6 & Compilation requirements & \\  \hline  C7 & Link to developer documentation/manual & \href{http://mozart.github.io/documentation}{For example} \\  \hline  C8 & Support email for questions & \\  \hline  \end{tabular}  \caption{Code metadata (mandatory)}  \end{table}  \section{Current executable software version}  \label{}  Ancillary data table required for sub version of the executable software: (x.1, x.2 etc.) kindly replace examples in right column with the correct information about your executables, and leave the left column as it is.  \begin{table}  \begin{tabular}{lll}  \hline  \textbf{Nr.} & \textbf{(Executable) software metadata} & \textbf{Fill in this column} \\  \hline  S1 & Current software version & For example 1.1, 2.4 etc. \\  \hline  S2 & Permanent link to executables of this version & \href{https://github.com/combogenomics/$ $DuctApe/releases/tag/DuctApe-0.16.4}{For example} \\  \hline  S3 & Legal Software License & List one of the approved licenses \\  \hline  S4 & Computing platforms/Operating Systems & Android, BSD, iOS, etc. \\  \hline  S5 & Installation requirements \& dependencies & \\  \hline  S6 & Link to user manual & \href{http://mozart.github.io/documentation}{For example} \\  \hline  S7 & Support email for questions & \\  \hline  \end{tabular}  \caption{Software metadata (optional)}  \end{table}