John Alexander Sánchez Cardozo edited bibliography/biblio.bib  about 8 years ago

Commit id: aaabf038c82beb79049dfa6c1f48e0b90d61a5c6

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@book{yin2013case,  title = {{Case study research: Design and methods}},  author = {Yin, Robert K},  year = {2013},  publisher = {Sage publications},  }  @book{yin2011applications, 

@article{llorente2001violencia,  title = {{Violencia homicida y estructuras criminales en Bogot{\'a}}},  author = {Llorente, Mar{\'\i}a Victoria and Escobedo, Rodolfo and Echand{\'\i}a, Camilo and Rubio, Mauricio and others},  journal = {An{\'a}lisis Pol{\'\i}tico},  volume = {44},  pages = {17--38},  year = {2001},  publisher = {SciELO Brasil},  }  @misc{1,