David LeBauer edited Data Entry.md  almost 10 years ago

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## #  BETYdb: Entering new data through the web interface Before entering data, it is first necessary to add and select the  citation that is the source of the data. It is also necessary for each  data point to be associated with a Site, Treatment, and Species. 

relevant for domesticated species. Fields with an asterisk (*) are  required.   ### ##  Adding a Citation Citation provides information regarding the source of the data. This  section should allow us to locate and access the paper of interest. 

![alt text](figures/newcite.png)  ### ##  Adding a Site Each experiment is conducted at a unique site. In the context of BETY,  the term 'site' refers to a specific location and it is common for many 

5. Do **not** enter a new site When plants (or seeds) are collected from multiple locations and then grown in the same location, this is called 'common garden experiment'. In this case, the location of the study is included as site information. Information about the seed source can be entered as a distinct cultivar.    ### ##  Site Location If latitude and longitude coordinates are not available, it is often  possible to determine the site location based on the site name, city, 

**Figure 3**: [Form for entering a new site](https://www.betydb.org/sites/new)  ### ##  Adding a Treatment Treatments provide a description of a study’s  treatments. Any specific information such as rate of fertilizer  application should be recorded in the managements table. In 

![alt text](figures/newtreatment.png)    ### ##  Adding a Management Managements refers to something that occurs at a specific time and has a  quantity. Managements include actions that are done to a plant or 

  ### ##  Adding a Trait In general, a 'trait' is a phenotype (a characteristic that the plant  exhibits). The traits that we are primarily interested in collecting 

if MSE is available. Only if there is no other information available should you  record the P-value.  ### ##  Adding a Yield and Covariate The protocol for entering yield data is identical to entering data for a  trait, with a few exceptions: 

To add a new covariate, go to the [new covariate](http:www.betydb.org/covariates/new) page  ### ##  Adding a PFT, Species, and Cultivar Plant functional types (PFTs) are used to group plants for statistical  modeling and analysis. PFTs are associated with both a specific set of 

To add a new Cultivar, go to the [new  cultivar](https://www.betydb.org/cultivars/new) page: `Cultivar`  → `new`.   ## BETYdb: Bulk Data Upload  Currently the web interface does not support bulk data upload, although  this is a planned feature for BETY 2.0.  For bulk data upload, or for a complete view of the tables in BETY, a  blank spreadsheet can be found  [online](https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en&hl=en&key=0Ai_PDCcY5g2JdFN1UDJJdjNsZk9RM0Z6bnFDdlQ0clE&output=html)  and can be downloaded in .xls format  [spreadsheet](https://spreadsheets0.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en&hl=en&key=0Ai_PDCcY5g2JdFN1UDJJdjNsZk9RM0Z6bnFDdlQ0clE&output=xls).  Contact [David LeBauer](mailto:[email protected]) or [Mike  Dietze](mailto:[email protected]) for more information about using  this method of data upload.