David LeBauer edited stat conversions.md  almost 10 years ago

Commit id: 8863c02935fad653899f0da22ff26a19e68cc1f3

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**How to convert statistics from \(P\), \(LSD\), or \(MSD\) to \(SE\)**  Many statistical transformations are implemented in the [transformstats](https://github.com/PecanProject/pecan/blob/master/utils/R/transformstats.R) function within the PEcAn.utils package. However, we have not yet automated some these  transformations that require detailed knowledge of the make conservative (variance inflating) assumptions about study-specific  experimental design (especially degrees of freedom)  that is not captured in the BETYdb schema. Additional details and examples are found in the ["Transformations schema, for example HSD, LSD, P.  More accuate estimates  of SE can be obtained at time of data entry using the formulas in ["Transforming  ANOVA and Regression statistics for Meta-analysis"](https://www.authorea.com/users/5574/articles/6811/).