Scott Rohde save point  over 9 years ago

Commit id: 5ff7c51d2ec203c5b9ac132dedb361fd85933c0f

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%% \begin{itemize}  %% \item If all of the data in the data set pertains to a single site, that site  %% may be specified interactively.  %% \item Otherwise, a `site` \verb|site|  column is required. The value must match an existing %% `sitename` \verb|sitename|  column value in the `sites` \verb|sites|  table of the database. (Letter %% case, leading and trailing spaces, and extra internal spaces are ignored  %% when searching for a match.)  %% \end{itemize} 

%% \begin{itemize}  %% \item If all of the data in the data set pertains to a single species, that  %% species may be specified interactively.  %% \item Otherwise, the `species` \verb|species|  column is required. The value must match an %% existing `scientificname` \verb|scientificname|  column value in the `species` \verb|species|  table of the %% database. (Again, letter case, leading and trailing spaces, and extra  %% internal spaces are ignored when searching for a match.)  %% \end{itemize} 

%% \item If a single treatment and a single citation applies to all of the data in  %% the data set, the treatment may be specified interactively provided that  %% the citation is specified interactively as well.  %% \item Otherwise, a `treatment` \verb|treatment|  column is required. The value must match an %% existing `name` \verb|name|  column value in the `treatments` \verb|treatments|  table of the database. %% (Again, letter case, leading and trailing spaces, and extra internal  %% spaces are ignored when searching for a match.)  %% \end{itemize}  \end{enumerate}  %% #### **Other information** \subsubsubsection{Other information}    %% 1. \begin{enumerate}  \item  Date %% * \begin{itemize}  \item  If a single date applies to all of the data in the data set, the date may be specified interactively. %% * \item  Otherwise, a `date` \verb|date|  column is required. %% * \item  Date values must be in one of the forms "2003-07-25", "2003-07", or "2003". %% 2. \end{itemize}  \item  Rounding %% * \begin{itemize}  \item  The amount of rounding for numerical data can only be specified%%  interactively. Any value from 1 to 4 significant digits may be chosen.%%  The amount of rounding for the standard error SE (if present) may be%%  specified separately from the amount of rounding for yield and for trait%%  variables and their covariates. %% * \item  By default, all numerical data is rounded to three significant digits.%%  For example, with this default in place, 999.1 will be rounded to 999 and%%  1001.1 will be rounded to 1000. \end{itemize}  \end{enumerate}  %% ### Other information that is _never_ specified interactively  %% #### **Data for Yields**   %% 1. Yield  %% * Every yield data upload file must have a `yield` \verb|yield|  column. The data in %% this column must always be a parsable non-negative number and must never  %% be blank. Scientific notation is not currently supported. As noted  %% above, the number given in the file is subject to rounding before being  %% inserted into the database.  %% 2. Sample Size  %% * An `n` \verb|n|  column is required if and only if an `SE` \verb|SE|  column is included. The value must always be an integer greater than 1. %% 3. Standard Error  %% * An `SE` \verb|SE|  column is required if and only if an `n` \verb|n|  column is included; %% this datum will be inserted into the stat column of the yields table,  %% and the statname column value will be set to "SE". 

%% matches the name of some recognized trait variable. A list of  %% recognized trait variables is listed on the BetyDB web site. If  %% multiple trait variable columns are used, each row in the CSV file will  %% produce one row in the `traits` \verb|traits|  table for each trait variable column. %% (These resulting rows will be effectively _grouped_ by assigning them a  %% unique entity id. Said another way, there is a one-to-one  %% correspondence between rows in the CSV file and resultant rows in the  %% `entities` \verb|entities|  table, the table that keeps track of this grouping.) As with %% yield numbers, the data in this column must always be a parsable number,  %% and is subject to rounding before being inserted into the database. In  %% addition, it must conform to any range restrictions on the value of the  %% variable.  %% * The template for traits uploads provides dummy column headings `[trait \verb|[trait  %% variable 1]`, `[trait 1]|, \verb|[trait  variable 2]`, 2]|,  etc., which must be changed to %% actual variable names before data can be uploaded.  %% 2. Covariate values  %% * If any of the included trait variables has a required covariate, there 

%% * For any of the included trait variables has an optional covariate, a  %% column corresponding to that covariate _may_ be included.  %% * The template for traits uploads provides dummy column headings  %% `[covariate 1]`, `[covariate 2]`, \verb|[covariate 1]|, \verb|[covariate 2]|,  etc., which must be changed to actual %% variable names before data can be uploaded.  %% 3. Sample Size and Standard Error  %% * To enter n and SE, add additional columns `[trait \verb|[trait  variable 1] n` n|  and %% `[trait \verb|[trait  variable 1] SE`, SE|,  etc. as needed.   %% ### **Optional data**: 

%% 1. Sample Size and Standard Error  %% * As noted above, these are both optional, but if one of these is  %% included, the other must be included as well. In other words, the  %% column heading list must include both of `n` \verb|n|  and `SE` \verb|SE|  or neither. %% Note that if `n` \verb|n|  and `SE` \verb|SE|  are not given fields of the uploaded CSV %% file, the value of the `n` \verb|n|  column of the traits or yields table will %% default to 1 and the `stat` \verb|stat|  and `statname` \verb|statname|  column values will default %% to NULL.  %% 2. Cultivar  %% * If a uniform value for the species is provided interactively when 

%% well provided that it also has a uniform value for the whole data  %% set.  %% * Otherwise, to include cultivar information in the upload file, both a  %% `species` \verb|species|  and a `cultivar` \verb|cultivar|  column must be included. The values in %% the `cultivar` \verb|cultivar|  column are allowed to be blank (in which case a value %% of NULL is inserted into the `cultivar_id` \verb|cultivar_id|  column for the given row); %% but if provided, they must match the value of the `name` \verb|name|  column in %% some row of the `cultivars` \verb|cultivars|  table, and moreover, this row must be a %% row associated with the species corresponding to the value given in  %% the `species` \verb|species|  column. Again, matching is case insensitive, and %% leading, trailing, and excess internal whitespace is ignored.  %% 3. Notes  %% * To include notes, use a `notes` \verb|notes|  column. There is no restriction on %% what can be included in this column, but leading and trailing space  %% will be stripped before insertion into the database. Non-ascii  %% characters entered in the file in UTF-8 encoding are allowed. If  %% there is no `notes` \verb|notes|  column, each row inserted into the `traits` \verb|traits|  or %% `yields` \verb|yields|  table will use the empty string as the value for the `notes` \verb|notes|  %% column.