David LeBauer edited Adding Traits and Yields.md  almost 10 years ago

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## Adding a Trait \label{sec:traits}  [Form used to enter a new trait](https://www.betydb.org/traits/new)  In general, a 'trait' is a phenotype (a characteristic that the plant  exhibits). The traits that we are primarily interested in collecting  data for are listed in Table \ref{tab:traits}. Before adding trait data, it is necessary to have the citation, treatments, and site information already entered. If the correct 

If the event occurred at a level of precision not defined by an integer in this table, then use fractions. For example, we commonly use 5.5 to indicate a one week level of precision.   If the exact year is not known, but the time of year is, then use 91 to 97, with the second digit to indicate the information known within the year.    **Figure 9**: [Form used to enter a new trait](https://www.betydb.org/traits/new)  #### Statistics 

if MSE is available. Only if there is no other information available should you  record the P-value.  ## Adding a Yield and Covariate [Form for adding a new yield record](http://www.betydb.org/yields/new)  The protocol for entering yield data is identical to entering data for a  trait, with a few exceptions: 

Yield is equivalent to aboveground biomass on a per-area  basis, and has units of Mg ha^-1 y1   To add a new yield, go to the [new  yield](http://www.betydb.org/yields/new) page  ## Adding a Covariate  [Form for entering a new covariate](http:www.betydb.org/covariates/new)  Covariates are required for many of the traits. Covariates generally  indicate the environmental conditions under which a measurement was 

and in this case, the covariate `root_maximum_diameter` would be set to 2.   If the size class is a range, then the `root_minimum_diameter` can also be used.  To add a new covariate, go to the [new covariate](http:www.betydb.org/covariates/new) page.